A System Requirements Check and Practice Tests are available in the Casper section of your Acuity Insights account.
You can complete the System Requirements Check and any of the Practice Tests as many times as you like. However, it is mandatory for all applicants to complete the System Requirements Check at least once within 6 hours of your test start time. We suggest that you do so in the same location in which you plan to complete your test. It is also important to complete this check using the same computer, microphone, webcam, and internet connection that you intend to use on test day.
Although not mandatory, we strongly encourage applicants to complete the Practice Test that corresponds to their reservation at least once prior to their actual test. Applicants who complete it generally perform better on Casper. Please keep in mind though that your answers are not saved or submitted for feedback. The Practice Tests are a chance for you to familiarize yourself with the testing format and give you examples of Casper test scenarios to practice with.
To access the System Requirements Check and any of the Practice Tests:
After reserving your Acuity Insights Assessments, visit the Casper section of your Acuity Insights account.
Click on the “Start system check” or one of the ”Start practice test” links
For additional information on how to prepare for your Casper test, please visit our Prepare For Your Casper Test article, as well as our Test Prep and Resources pages on AcuityInsights.app.