Cancel Your Casper Test

How to cancel your Casper test

Updated over a week ago

You can make a request to cancel your Casper reservation. However, all fees are non-refundable and only valid for the applicable admissions cycle (see Section 6: Fees and Payments for more information).

Please be advised that the following are not grounds for a refund:

  • Change of mind, or no longer having a need for your test

  • Incorrect program selection

  • No longer being considered for admission by an academic program

  • Missing a final testing opportunity

Applicants are strongly encouraged to reserve a test only when they are certain that they need to take it.

As well, once you have completed your Casper you cannot cancel or withdraw the distribution of your results.

To confirm that you would like to cancel your Casper test, please contact the Acuity Insights Team using the chat bubble located in your account or on our website or by emailing, and indicate:

  1. The date of your test that you would like to cancel

  2. Confirm that you understand that all fees are non-refundable

You can also reschedule your test at no additional cost. To do this, you do not need to make a new reservation. Please see our article titled Reschedule Your Casper Test for more information on how to do this.

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