When you're at a mentor's public page and you see this message instead of a calendar/availability then this means the mentor doesn't have any availability.
There are many reasons that may cause this - it could be that a mentor's slots are fully booked, or they haven't set any availability or any booking limits they have set have been met.
In case you want to book a session with a mentor who is on waitlist, you can click on the Join waitlist
button. This will then open a modal allowing you to input your preferred date and time for a session, as well as the topic and question's you'd like to discuss with the mentor.
Once everything is filled out, the Apply for waitlist
button will be enabled.
Alternatively, you can send a message to the mentor via the Message icon on their profile. If you have yet to connect with the mentor, your message will go to their Pending
messages. Otherwise, it will go directly to their inbox.