Maintaining the consistency and quality of spirometry assessments across all KINNECT and Affiliate clinics is of the utmost importance.
Good quality, reliable lung function data ensures that we can comply with both KINNECT and National Standards and avoids the risk of frustration from clients and candidates, missed diagnosis, inaccurate pre-employment assessment results and additional time and costs associated with retesting.
We have seen a trend of low-quality spirometry data recently so would like to take the opportunity to remind our Affiliate clinics of the requirements of conducting a good quality spirometry assessment.
To ensure each spirometry test produces accurate, reliable results, Affiliate Clinics are expected to:
Follow the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) Standards for the Delivery of Spirometry for Resource Sector Workers 2022 for CMWHS medicals and ATS/ERS 2019 standards.
Properly and regularly calibrate and verify equipment daily.
Record Predicted Values and check against unusual results.
Ensure trained operators who have completed an RSHQ accredited spirometry course conduct spirometry assessments.
Provide a clear, concise yet thorough explanation of the manoeuvre to ensure applicants perform a quality spirometry test.
Be able to recognise errors in technique and know how to rectify them.
Attached is a guide which instructs you how to conduct high-quality spirometry assessments and avoid and rectify common errors like:
Poor initial blasts
No plateau
Variable flow (+ no plateau)
FIVC > FVC 5+%
Premature plateau β glottic closure
Please ensure that this guide is read thoroughly by all staff who conduct spirometry assessments in your clinic.
Should you have any questions about spirometry assessments, please contact us via