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Student Information - Overview
Updated over a week ago

The Student Information page is where you will find all information for an individual student as well as perform functions such as enrolling in classes or entering attendance. The page is broken down into different collapsible sections giving you the ability to view multiple pieces of information at the same time. As you use the page more DanceWorks will remember which sections you prefer and they will stay open.

Below is a quick summary of each section:

Student Billing Summary - This section is just a quick summary of key billing information items and student information items like age, grade, or student fees.

Student Details - This section provides you with the student's account and basic contact information.

Classes - This section provides the student's enrollment and the option to enroll in more classes. You may switch between different sessions using the drop-down menu at the top of the student info page.

Pending Requests - This section shows any pending class requests submitted via the Parent Portal.

Registrations - Here you can view and take action on pending online registration that has been submitted for the student.

Messages - Email and/or text the student.

Contacts - Here you can view and edit contact information for parents and emergency contacts.

Group - Use this section to view and assign any Group Codes.

Notes - Here you can enter or read any notes on the student.

Discounts - Use this option to view or assign any discounts that are specific to the student.

Medical - This section allows you to select the student's doctor info, add any medical or allergy history, or enter instructions on what should be done if an emergency arises.

Skills - Here you are able to manage student skills as well as make any needed comments.

History - The class history is a reference of all the classes the student has been enrolled in, with beginning and ending dates, as well as notes if a student dropped a class early.

Class Card - This function allows you to set up and manage class cards or "punch" cards.

Performances - Here you can easily view any costume assignments the student may have as well as view or enter their measurements.

Attendance - Use this section to view and manage the student's attendance.

Custom - Here you can enter customer information about the student.

Documents - This section allows you to update student documents. Studios can opt to share this information with parents via the parent portal.

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