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Student Information - Attendance
Student Information - Attendance
Updated over a week ago

The Attendance section of the student information page gives you the ability to enter that student's attendance as well as view and print their attendance history.

Once on the student info screen, scroll down and click "view" next to the Attendance label, and the section will expand. You should see the classes the student is enrolled in for the session along with any previous attendance entries. The student above has no entries yet.

Entering Attendance:

  • Click "record attendance" next to the appropriate class.

  • Use the left or right arrows to select the correct class meeting date.

  • Click the Record Attendance button.

*You have the option of entering notes and the student's temperature. If you do not see these options, go to your settings, and choose Class Defaults to enable them.

Attendance Class List View Options:

You have the option to filter or re-sort the way the student's classes are listed under the attendance section. Click the arrow next to the class label, and you'll see the options shown above.

Attendance Record:

The Attendance Record section allows you to view previous attendance entries for the specific student and make any changes that you may need to make.

Attendance Record View Options:

Similar to the student's class list, you may sort of filter the student's attendance entries using any of the options shown above. To access these options, just click on the arrow next to the Attendance Record label.

How To Enter A Makeup Class:

  1. Select Attendance.

  2. Change the Class section filter to show Not Enrolled

  3. Select Record Makeup beside class(es).

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