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Class Defaults
Updated over a week ago

The Class Defaults page allows you to create basic settings for your classes to make adding classes to your database more efficient. You can set defaults for the class length, the number of students allowed, class type and levels, virtual class settings, and attendance settings.

To Set Class Defaults:

  • Select the main menu in the top left corner of Akada.

  • Select Settings.

  • Select Defaults.

  • Select Class.

Class Types:

The class types help you keep your class list organized. You can easily create a selection of generic class types that you’ll be able to choose from a drop-down menu when creating your class schedule. Your class list can then be sorted by type to make the class you’re looking for easier to find. The best practice is to keep these types generic and not overly specific to keep your drop-down menu relatively short.

Class Levels:

Class Levels allow you to add a bit more specificity to your broad class types. Again, you are creating a list of levels that you will choose from a drop-down menu when adding classes to your schedule. These levels can be formatted however you like. Typically we see examples like “beginner, intermediate, advanced” or “1,2,3, etc.” The formatting has no right or wrong as long as it makes sense to you and your customers.

Class Rooms:

Class Rooms are simple. These are just the various rooms that you offer classes at your studio. They can be numbered, lettered, or given names, which is entirely up to you.

Virtual Class Defaults:

Like the other class defaults, the virtual class defaults allow you to input the setting that will apply to most of your virtual classes. They can always be changed when creating a virtual class, but these will be the settings that come up by default.

Attendance Defaults:

You can set the default attendance status using the attendance defaults, whether or not you want to see the attendance notes option or the student’s or staff member’s temperature when inputting class attendance. You can also set the default student temperature if you wish.

Note: When changing any of these default sections, be sure to click Save Changes before leaving the page.

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