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Charge Codes
Updated over a week ago

Charge Codes

When entering a charge on a customer’s account in DanceWorks Online you will often be able to choose charge from a drop-down menu. The Charge Codes setup page is where you will manage the different charges that appear in that drop-down menu. This page also lets you set sales tax and manage the password for deleting transactions.

Adding a Charge Code:

  • Click the Add Charge Code Button.

  • In the appropriate field, enter General Ledger or G/L* Number, Description, and Amount.

  • Choose a Charge Type** from the drop-down menu.

  • Choose the correct Sales Tax setting for the new Charge Code.

  • Check the box to allow this charge to be paid online by your customers.

  • Check the box if this charge should be included in your Tax Credit reports (Canadian users only).

  • Finally, click Add Charge Code to save.

*If you use Quickbooks, you should have a corresponding G/L account for each G/L number in DanceWorks.

**The charge type is using posting recurring credit card payments and reporting functions in other parts of DanceWorks Online. For this reason, we have limited the types to these categories.

***Your DanceWorks Online program will come with five basic charge codes programmed into it. The only things that may be changed about these charge codes are the g/l number, the amounts, and the sales tax.

Editing a Charge Code:

  • From the DanceWorks main menu, select Admin.

  • Select Settings.

  • Select Charge Codes.

  • Click the Edit link to the right of the correct Charge Code.

  • Make any necessary changes.

  • Click the Save Changes link to the right.

Deleting a Charge Code:

  • From the DanceWorks main menu, select Admin.

  • Select Settings.

  • Select Charge Codes.

  • Click the Delete link to the right of the correct Charge Code.

  • A pop-up will appear to confirm that you’re deleting the correct Charge Code.

  • Click the delete button.

  • The pop-up will close, and the charge code will be removed.

Reassigning a Charge Code:

Once a charge code is in use and appears on a customer's transactions page, then it can not be deleted. It will then need to be reassigned.

  • From the DanceWorks main menu, select Admin.

  • Select Settings.

  • Select Charge Codes.

  • Click the Reassign link to the right of the Charge Code.

  • A pop-up will appear with a drop-down of your other charge codes.

  • Choose the charge code that you would like to have the existing charges reassigned to.

  • Check the box if you would like the description to be changed to match the description of the new charge code.

  • Click the Reassign Charges button.

  • The pop-up will close.

  • You may now delete the charge code.

Note: If you attempt to delete a charge code that is in use, you will automatically be prompted to reassign the charge code.

Sales Tax:

DanceWorks Online provides you with two options for sales tax. They can be edited to meet your studio’s needs. When assigning Sales Tax to a charge, you can select either sales tax, tax 1 & 2, or compounded.

  • Sales Tax 1 & 2 calculates the amount of tax 1 and then calculates the amount of tax two and adds them together.

  • Compound Sales Tax calculates the amount of sales tax 2 by using the total of the charge plus sales tax 1.

Edit/Delete Transaction Password:

With the Edit/Delete Transaction Password enabled, users will be prompted to enter the password when attempting to edit or delete a transaction from a customer’s account. Only users with Admin privileges can see the Edit/Delete Password function.

To Change the Password:

  • From the main menu, select Admin.

  • Select Settings.

  • Select Charge Codes.

  • Click in the password field and enter your new password.

Disabling the Password*

  • From the main menu, select Admin.

  • Select Settings.

  • Select Charge Codes.

  • Deselect the “Require a Password” box.

*We do not recommend disabling the Delete Transaction password.

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