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Staff Management

Create, update and share staff schedules.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a month ago

Staff Management simplifies staffing and scheduling by taking the guesswork out of when and where your staff is available to work. Admins with permission can:

  • Assign tags, roles, and rates to staff;

  • Manage staff availability by day, week and month;

  • Be alerted to availability conflicts when assigning staff to activities;

  • Update staff schedules by email or in real-time with the Amilia app;

  • See who hasn't activated their account and resend activation links.

In this article:

1. How to Create Staff 

Admins with permission can go to the Staff Management > Staff subtab. Click New Staff and type the email the staff will use to login to the personal account. Click Next.

  • If the email isn't linked to an existing personal account, then provide the first name, last name and phone number to receive an email to create an account.

  • If the email is already in Amilia and has a confirmed username, send an invitation email.

  • If the email exists in Amilia and is not a username, then provide the first name, last name, and phone number to receive an email to create an account.

  • If you receive the message below creating a new staff account, it means the staff member did not complete their account set up process. An account was created, but there is no member in the account to be linked as a staff member. In this case, the staff will need to log into their account and add themselves as a member of the account.

    1.1 Resend activation link

You can edit the staff's name and/or phone number up until they have logged into their account for the first time. After that, you won't be able to edit the name or contact information (as is the case if the email address is already linked to a personal account).

If you create the staff account with the wrong email, archive it and start over.

You can see which staff have activated their account on the Staff page. If the staff doesn't activate their account within 15 days, you must resend another activation link. When you do, it invalidates the previous one. If the staff has already logged into their personal account, you don't need to worry about this.

If a staff member needs to change their email address (i.e., username) once they've signed in, they can do so in the Settings of their personal account.

1.2 Assign a role, rate & tags

It's easier to filter for staff if you assign them roles and tags. Save when finished.

  • Role: The staff's role(s) within your organization.

  • Rate: The staff's hourly rate shows in staff time sheets.

  • Tags: Label skills or attributes that are specific to the staff member.

  • Contact info is pulled from the staff's Personal information in their client profile.

1.3 Archive Staff

If you no longer need a staff record or made a mistake with the email address, click on the staff to open their profile, scroll down and hit Archive. You can reinstate an archived profile by filtering for archived profiles, click their name, scroll to the bottom and select Unarchive.

Archived staff don't have access to staff features in the Amilia app.

2. How to Add Staff Availability

Staff availability tells SmartRec when it's ok to schedule them. Staff can only add their availability with the Amilia app. Admins click the staff's name in the Staff subtab to add availability. Here's what's important:

  • The date range must be in consecutive days. and you can't have overlapping date ranges. Fled is available from April 1st-11th. He's taking a holiday between April 12-19th but available to schedule from April 20th-30th. His next availability isn't added yet.

  • Every day of the week within the date range will follow this schedule. Use additional time slots when availability depends on the time of day (within the date range).

  • Add availability again for days (within the date range) with unique availability. Fled's available May 1st-17th for his regular schedule. However, on May 18th-21st, he's only available during limited hours. As of May 22-31st, he's back to his regular schedule.

3. How to Send Staff Schedules

As you schedule staff to sessions, drop-ins, private lessons, online facility bookings, contract bookings, and admin bookings in the calendar (with or without an invoice), the schedule is updated in the Staff>Schedule subtab. Admins can send schedules to all or some staff, or staff can check their schedule themselves in the Amilia app.

  • View a complete list of your staff and their bookings by day, week or month. Use the filter field Select staff to view an individual staffer's schedule or the Tags filter to display staff members with specific tags.

  • You can write and send an email to staff assigned to an activity in the Activities > Registration subtab. Select the activity and then Operations > Send an email to staff and/or participants.

4. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which permission do I need to manage Staff?

🔑 Admins need permission in the Staff section to see the Staff tab:

  • Manage staff (required): To access the Staff>Management subtab.

2. Do staff need to download the Amilia app?

Staff are encouraged to download the app for mobile iPhone and Android devices because they can upload their availability and check their schedule in real-time. The Amilia app lets staff take virtual attendance on the field and puts important medical and contact information at their fingertips. If staff don't download the Amilia app, only an admin can add their availability and send their schedule by email. They also won't be able to take attendance on their mobile device.

When a staff account is created, an email is sent explaining the benefits of using the app and invites them to download it. Keep in mind that staff hired through SmartRec's Staff Recruitment don't receive this email at this time.

3. Are staff and administrators the same thing?

When someone is added as staff, they can log into the Amilia app to track when they're scheduled to events. It doesn't give them access to your organization's back office.

When someone is added in the Account>Administrators subtab, you're giving them a level of access to your SmartRec backoffice.

It's possible for someone to be both, but you need to create their administrator access and their staff profile separately.

4. What causes a staff conflict?

A staff conflict occurs when staff is already scheduled for another activity at the same time; and/or the staff is unavailable (i.e., there's no availability configured saying they can work that day). If you have staff conflicts, you have the option to change the schedule or assign different staff. Learn more about managing schedule conflicts here.

5. Can I export the staff data?

You can export the list of staff into excel. It shows the staff names, emails, phone numbers, account activation status, as well as staff tags,

6. What if multiple staff members share the same personal account?

At this time, if there's more than one staff person in the same account (e.g., Mom and daughter are both staff), only the one that was made a staff member 'first' will be able to see their staff schedule and take attendance via the mobile app.

Keep in mind the account owner should be the one who logs into the personal account.

If multiple staff members share the same personal account and need the mobile app to follow their schedule and/or take attendance, it may be preferable they have their own separate personal account. Contact us at for more information.

* Last updated in March 2023

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