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Your Data Privacy

Refer to this document for information pertaining to Amilia's Data privacy policy and GDPR compliance.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 4 months ago

At Amilia, we believe in the importance of users having access and control of their data. Access and modify your personal account settings and consents in the Settings tab. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Learn more about:

1. GDPR Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of rules governing personal data collection, privacy, and protection for all individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.

In addition to adhering to these guidelines, we offer all users the ability to:

  • Access all the data in their personal account;

  • Grant consent to share data with different organizations;

  • Withdraw consent to share data with different organizations; and

  • Request to delete data and/or the profile they've shared on the platform.

2. Where to Access your Data 

In the Settings tab, scroll down to the Additional Information section. You can access your data at any time from all the tabs in your personal account. If you have a specific request, click on the 'contact us' link under the 'Where to access your data' section.

To request to delete your profile, scroll further down to the Data Deletion section.

3. Grant or Withdraw Consent to Share Data

Please read our Privacy Policy to learn how Amilia uses your information.

An organization must have your consent to share your data in order to make a purchase in their SmartRec store.

To view your consents, click on Manage your consents. A drop-down list appears with the name of each organization. These are stores where you added one of their products to your shopping cart.

Consent is requested while shopping in an organization's SmartRec store.

This appears when:

  • A new user creates a user account from any organization's SmartRec store page;

  • A user adds an item to their cart from any organization's store for the first time;

  • An organization's administrator purchases an item on behalf of a new user.

If an organization's administrator makes a purchase on your behalf, it's implied you granted your consent prior to the purchase. SmartRec records whether consent was given via an admin or a client user.

If you made purchases from an organization prior to September 2018 then consent was implied when you proceeded through checkout. Manage your consents at any time in the Settings tab.

To withdraw consent from individual organizations, click on Manage your consents and remove the check mark next to its name. Save your changes.

If you have no purchases with the organization, your account will be deleted from their clients list. If you do have purchases with an organization and withdraw your consent, your profile will be archived and no longer appear in active searches.

4. Sharing your SIN

You’re under no obligation to share your social insurance number. However, residents in the province of Quebec are eligible for yearly tax credits if a child is enrolled in camp and/or daycare services. RL-24 slips can only be remitted if the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) provide their SIN to the applicable organization(s).

This information is encrypted before being saved in our database. You, the organization administrator and the provincial government (if applicable) have access to this data.

You can add your SIN during checkout or add/modify this information in your personal account.

5. Delete your Data/Profile

When you request a data deletion, most (if not all) of your information stored with Amilia will be deleted. In the event that you have made transactions on your account, Amilia reserves the right to continue storing transaction records (including name, address and email address) in accordance with Canadian taxation laws.

Once completed, your user account will be deleted.

👉 Requests for data deletion are not processed immediately. You will receive a follow-up when your request has been addressed.

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