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Create a Drop-in Activity
Create a Drop-in Activity

Instead of registering for a full session, clients can choose specific days to participate in an activity.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 7 months ago

Drop-ins let clients choose their preferred registration day. You can sell activities that offer sessions and drop-ins, or just drop-ins.

In this article

4. FAQ

1. Configure a Drop-in

Make sure the Drop-ins & MultiPasses app has been enabled in the Apps tab.

In the Activities > Edit subtab:

  • Under the Schedule & Resources section, add your schedule and Save.

  • Click the Drop-ins section and enable purchasing the activity as a drop-in.

  • Price: Specify the cost of registering for a single occurrence. A Multipass may also be used to enroll. Restricting enrollment to Multipass Only means only clients using an eligible Multipass can reserve a drop-in spot.

  • Spots available: How many people can register to the drop-in? Keep in mind these spots are offered in addition to the spots available by Session.

  • Registration start/end (optional): How soon or how late can a client register to a class before it takes place?

  • Cancellations: Allow clients to cancel a drop-in activity registration, up until the deadline. Learn more here. Please note that cancellation policies do not apply to drop-in cancellations.

  • Click Save when finished.

Do you use drop-ins to schedule your private lessons?

Why not automate the process with our Private Lessons feature?

2. How to Register to a Drop-in

Here's what to expect when registering to a drop-in:

  • In the store, choose the program and the desired activity.

  • Select the Drop-in button to register for specific classes taking place within the activity's schedule.

  • A calendar view of the drop-in options appears, with available classes in blue.

  • Click on a date and choose which participant(s) to register by clicking the + next to their name(s).

  • Continue shopping to select additional dates or proceed to checkout.

👉 If a drop-in is purchased with a Multipass, it deducts one use from the pass.

3. Cancel a Drop-in

Admins may cancel drop-ins. Clients may cancel drop-in activities that support client cancellation.

To learn more about canceling a client's purchase, click here.

To learn more about canceling a purchase made with a Multipass, click here.

To learn how clients cancel a drop-in from their personal account, click here.

🔴 How clients cancel a drop-in reserved with a Multipass

If a client registered to a drop-in (with client cancellations) using a Multipass, they may cancel their registration by returning to the store.

In their personal account:

  • Select the Purchases tab and the applicable organization.

  • Under the participant's name, scroll to the Drop-ins section and click on the name of the drop-in class to cancel.

  • This redirects to the activity's drop-in page in the store.

  • Scroll to the drop-in calendar and select the activity date that needs to be cancelled.

  • Click Unregister next to participant’s name.

4. Frequently Asked Questions

Can a session activity offer drop-ins? How would I manage available spots?

You can offer both session and drop-in registrations for the same activity! However, session and drop-in spot availability are managed individually.

If you have 10 session spots and 15 daily drop-in spots, you may find yourself with up to 25 participants attending class on a given day! If session spots are filled, no one else can register for the session. If drop-in spots are filled for the day, no one else can drop-in.

Offering drop-ins can be an ideal way to fill empty session spots. A tool is available that allows you to convert session spots to drop-ins, essentially deducting session spots and turning them into daily drop-in spots. Click here to learn more.

Can clients cancel a drop-in registration themselves?

Clients may cancel a drop-in registration by themselves if the activity allows clients to cancel.

Otherwise, clients must contact your organization if they wish to cancel a drop-in.

What's the difference between a Multipass, Membership and a Subscription?

A Multipass is invoiced at checkout and has limited (or unlimited) tokens that can be used to register to drop-ins.

A membership is invoiced at checkout and can be required to register to activities, gain entry to your facilities and/or as a means of member identification.

A subscription is invoiced at checkout, followed by recurring invoices on a monthly basis. It's useful for selling activity bundles that allow clients to enroll to multiple activities at a reduced price. They can opt out from one month to the next.

Clients get confused with needing to buy a Multipass first before it can be used to register to eligible drop-ins. Is there a workaround?

There is no workaround at this time but we're aware this flow needs improvement.

Can I mass assign a Multipass?

No, it is not possible to mass assign a Multipass to many clients at the same time.

Can I put an end to drop-ins in the middle of a session?

If clients have registered for a drop-in, you can't disable the activity's drop-in option unless you cancel the clients' invoice. If no one is registered, you can disable the drop-in option within the activity's configuration.

Is there a way to set restrictions on group size? For example, clients must register for 2 spots minimum or 3 spots maximum per account?

It's not possible to restrict a client from registering to a certain number of drop-in's. Once the drop In's are created and available for registration, they are open for all to register.

How does a Family Multipass work?

A Family Multipass allows any member in the account to use the Multipass to register.

You don't need to select an account member when adding a Family Multipass to the cart. Admins can view the Family Multipass in the client's account from the Purchases subtab, including reservations made and remaining passes (if applicable). The number of passes applies to the entire account, meaning if an account member uses a pass to register, one pass is deducted from the total. Click here to learn more.

Can I change the expiration date of a Multipass after it's been sold?

A Multipass can be modified in the Memberships>Multipass subtab. The changes you make only apply to Multipass purchases moving forward. Anyone who bought the Multipass (prior to your changes) won't be affected. Click here to learn more.

Feel free to contact us at or start a chat if you need assistance regarding the expiry of a client's Multipass.

Which reports are available for Multipasses and drop-ins?

In the Reports>Standard subtab:

📃 Multipass: Located under Operations. It includes who purchased a Multipass, the Multipass’ expiration date, total passes and the remaining passes. You can include additional columns of information. This isn't a finance report.

📃 Breakdown of sales: Located under Sales. Review individual Multipass and/or drop-in sales transactions.

📃 Sales summary: Located under Sales. View total Multipass and/or drop-in sales.

📃 Breakdown of payments by ledger code: Located under Cash accounting. Review the list of client payments associated to the ledger code of the item that was sold.

What does the sale and use of a Multipass look like in my financial reports?

The full sale amount of a Multipass appears in the Breakdown of sales report on the date it was purchased. This can be viewed in the Multipasses tab of the report.

When a client uses a Multipass to register to a drop-in, the drop-in sale appears in the Breakdown of sales on the date it was registered to. This can be viewed in the Drop-ins tab of the report. However, the drop-in sale will have a 0$ amount, since the client didn't pay for the drop-in (they paid for the Multipass).

*Last updated in May 20204

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