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Create, Sell, and Manage Multipasses
Create, Sell, and Manage Multipasses

A Multipass is a type of punch card that's used to register for drop-ins and private lessons.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Download Drop-ins and Multipasses in the Apps tab!

Clients can use Multipasses with a limited/unlimited number of passes to quickly register for drop-ins and private lessons.

🎓 Drop by Amilia University

& learn in 30 minutes how best to use Multipasses!

How it Works

1. Create a Multipass

In the Memberships>Multipass subtab, click New multipass to create an Individual Multipass to be used by one client only, or a Family pass to be used by every member in the account.

  • The Name and Description are visible in the store.

  • Number of passes: How often can it be used to register to eligible activities?

  • Status: If Visible, clients can purchase it in the Multipass section of your store. If Hidden, only admins can purchase it. Clients can't access it.

  • Note: Appears in the store, in the details section of the Multipass.

  • Which drop-in and/or private lesson activities are eligible with the Multipass? Make sure you've enabled eligible activities as drop-ins in the Activities tab.

  • Specify accepted modes of payment.

  • Is a membership required to purchase the Multipass? This restriction isn't available for Family passes.

👉 In the Activities tab, you can limit drop-in registration to those with a Multipass by selecting "Included with Multipass".

📆 Effective Date & Expiration

Determine when the Multipass becomes effective for your clients to use and when it expires. For desired results, we recommend you learn more about how the effective and expiration date affect the validity of a Multipass.

  • Effective date: Determines the earliest activity occurrence date for which the pass is eligible. For example, if your effective date is June 1st, then you can only register to activities that are taking place no earlier than June 1st. You can't register to an earlier activity occurrence in May.

  • Expiration: At midnight on the day the pass expires. It also determines the latest activity occurrence for which the pass is eligible. For example, if your expiration date is Aug 31st, then you can only register to activities as long as they are occurring before midnight, Aug 31st. You can't register to an activity occurrence on Aug 31st or in September.

2. Purchase a Multipass 

A Multipass can be purchased in your store in one of two ways:

  • When Visible, a Multipass becomes available for purchase in the Multipass section of your online store. Clients must buy a Multipass from here if they want to use it for private lessons.

  • If a drop-in can only be purchased using a Multipass, the client is prompted to add the eligible Multipass in their cart after clicking the drop-in and selecting a member to enroll.

🏟️ In the Multipass section of your store

When a Multipass is configured as Visible, it can be selected in your store and clients can view the list of activities and private lessons that apply to the Multipass. It must first be purchased before it can be used to register to eligible activities.

⛹️ When selecting an eligible drop-in

Clients can only purchase a Multipass via a drop-in when the activity requires a Multipass Only for registration. If the participant doesn't already have it, they'll be prompted to add it to their cart and must first complete the purchase of the Multipass before it can be used to register to the drop-in.

3. Register with a Multipass

A Multipass is active as of its Effective date, which means it can be used to register to eligible drop-ins and private lessons occurring on or after the effective date.

If a Multipass has an Expiration date, it can't be used to register to activity occurrences that take place after the expiration date.

If all the passes are redeemed, clients can no longer use the Multipass to register. They must buy a new one (a Multipass can be purchased more than once).

Reserving with a Multipass bypasses ALL activity restrictions (e.g., required age, required skills, etc.).

⛹️ Drop-in registration with a Multipass

When using a Multipass to register to a drop-in:

  • After choosing a drop-in date, click the number next to the pass to use it.

  • Click 'Continue' to register. A successful registration box appears.

  • There is no need to proceed through checkout.

  • One pass is deducted. In this case, 4 passes (uses) remain on the Multipass.

  • Unlimited Multipasses don't have any passes deducted.

👨‍🏫 Private Lesson registration with a Multipass

When using a Multipass to register to a private lesson:

  • Select a participant to enroll and scroll to the bottom to choose which eligible Multipass to pay with.

  • Add to cart to finalize the registration. One pass will be deducted.

4. Manage your Multipasses

In the Reports tab, look in the Operations section to download the Multipass report. It's especially useful to see which clients purchased a Multipass, how many passes they have left and when it expires.

In the Memberships>Multipass subtab, you can:

✏️ Modify a Multipass

A Multipass can be modified at any time. Your changes won't affect clients who already purchased it, but will be applied to new Multipass purchases.

  • Change the Position of your Multipass as it appears in your store.

  • Modify to apply changes to new Multipass purchases.

  • Delete a Multipass if it's never been purchased and is no longer needed.

  • Archive a Multipass if it's no longer needed. Clients with the Multipass can still use their remaining passes, but no new purchases of the Multipass can be made while it's archived.

  • Restore an archived Multipass.

🎫 View a client's remaining passes

Click the number under the Sold column to see who purchased it. Click the client's name to jump directly to the Purchases subtab in their account to view the status of their Multipass. This info is also available in the Multipass report.

In the Clients>Account>Purchases subtab:

  • Multipasses are visible at the bottom of a client's purchase list.

  • View their Remaining passes and Reservations made with the Multipass.

  • Click the Invoice button to view the original invoice for the Multipass.

🔖 Cancel a registration made with a Multipass

When a Multipass is used to register to an eligible activity, you may cancel the registration in the Client Billing tab or the Purchases tab in the client's account.

Keep in mind that clients can cancel a drop-in registration made with a Multipass if the drop-in supports client cancellations.

Follow these steps to cancel a registration In the Client Billing tab:

  • Open the invoice details. Click Cancel/Refund items.

  • Place a check mark next to the Reservation with Multipass item.

  • Choose if you want to give back the pass, which will be added to the total remaining passes left on the Multipass.

  • No credit/refund is processed as the activity was paid for with a Multipass.

  • A canceled purchase record appears in the Client Billing tab.

Follow these steps to cancel a registration in the Purchases tab:

  • Scroll to the client's list of purchases and find the Multipass.

  • Click on Reservations and then Remove next to the activity.

  • Give back the pass or remove it (without giving back the pass).

  • A canceled purchase record appears in the Client Billing tab.

🔴 Cancel a MultiPass

Canceling a Multipass removes it from the client's account, including any activities the client registered for with the Multipass. The client will no longer have the MultiPass, regardless if there were remaining uses.

In the Client Billing:

  • Find the invoice for the actual Multipass purchase. Click Cancel/Refund items.

  • Credit the full amount or a percentage. You may add an administrative fee.

  • A cancellation record for the Multipass and each upcoming activity registration that was done using the Multipass will be visible in the Client Billing history.

  • In the example below, a Multipass was canceled. This automatically canceled 3 upcoming activity registrations that were done using the (now defunct) Multipass.

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