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Failed payment and purchase confirmation notifications can be sent to admins.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a week ago

Activate the Notifications feature from the Apps tab!

Admins can be sent personal email notifications when a payment transaction has failed. Organization notifications alert email recipients when a purchase has been made in the store.

🙋 Personal notifications for failed payments

Admins with access to the Account>Email preferences subtab can personalize which failed payment notifications they want to receive. Keep in mind that failed payments always appear in the Payment Action Center.

You can be alerted to one or more failed payment types:

  • eCheck: When an eCheck payment fails. It can take up to 10 business days after the payment for an eCheck to be refused.

  • Installment: When a planned credit card or eCheck payment has failed.

  • Refund: When an online credit card refund has failed.

  • Subscription: When a planned credit card or eCheck payment has failed.

👉 These notifications are automatically sent to your organization's billing contact.

🏢 Organization notifications

Admins with the right permissions can add/remove email address recipients for online bookings confirmations and/or all purchase confirmations.

Online bookings only

Notifications are sent for the purchase of online facility bookings in the store (only).

All purchases

Notifications are sent for the purchase of any item in the online store. Purchases can happen outside of the store too (e.g., the back office), but notifications aren't always sent in those cases.


1. Which permissions are required to receive these notifications?

Admins require the Failed payments permission (in the Clients group). It allows:

  • Access to the Account>Email preferences subtab so you can personalize failed payment notifications.

  • Access to the Payment Action Center.

Admins require the Organization settings permission (in the Organization settings group). It allows:

  • The ability to add email addresses for Organization notifications.

2. When is a notification sent for 'All purchases'?

A notification is sent whenever any type of purchase is made in your online store. Purchases can happen outside of the store too (e.g., the back office), but notifications aren't always sent in those cases.

✉️ is sent

✉️ is not sent

Admin bookings with an invoice (after the booking is paid).

Admin booking with no invoice.

When a contract invoice is approved and you check the box to 'send a confirmation email to client'.

When a contract invoice is approved but the box to 'send a confirmation email to client' is unchecked.

POS purchase for new or existing client.

POS purchase for default client.

Replacements = Both the cancellation of old activity and the invoice for the new activity are sent when you check the box to 'send a confirmation email'.

Replacements = Nothing is sent if you leave the 'send a confirmation email' box unchecked.

3. Which report gives me the status on post-dated payments?

In the Reports tab, you can download the eCheck payment status and/or Installment status report (both are in the Payments group).

* Last updated in March 2022

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