The recurring assignments feature in Anvl is called "Schedules" in the manager dashboard. This new feature allows managers and supervisors to schedule recurring assignments on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual cadence. With the added efficiency of scheduling, you no longer have to create individual assignments for users multiple times.
Benefits of recurring assignments
Some of the main benefits of scheduling assignments include;
The ability to assign everyone at your location with one schedule
You can associate an assignment schedule with a current Work Item
You're able to set an end date for the recurring assignment
You can schedule assignments far in advance, removing the need to create the assignment at the time you need it done.
Emails that go out to the user monthly summarizing their assignments
How to Manage Schedules
Navigate to the Assignments tab
Select 'Manage Schedules' in the top right corner
You can either create a new schedule, by selecting 'Create Schedule' or you can modify an existing schedule
To create a new schedule, select the 'Create Schedule' button and fill out the schedule information
Frequency of Assignments
Assignments can be scheduled on a daily, week-day only, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Users who are assigned a workflow will receive a summary email on the day, week, or month that their assignment is due. If users have multiple assignments, they will only receive one email with the summary of their assignments included.
Number of Workflows to Assign
You have the option to choose how many of a specific workflow you'd like to assign in your schedule. For example, if you select 3 workflows on a daily frequency, you will be assigning 3 workflows each day to the person assigned.
Work Item
When you create a recurring assignment, you have the option to make it part of a current Work Item. To correlate the assignment with a Work Item, search for the Work Item name by clicking on the magnifying glass in the search box. If you don't have a specific Work Item you need to have the assignment in, simply leave the box blank.
The assignee is the person or people that you're scheduling an assignment for. This can be a single person or several people in your group.
Date Range
The date range indicates the length of time that the assignment will be scheduled, based on the frequency you set. For example, if you selected 1 workflow on a monthly basis, and you wanted this to occur for 6 months, you would need to set the time frame to be 6 months long.
Create Assignments Now
If you're creating a recurring assignment that will start in the future, but you want to implement it now, you can select 'Create Assignment Now' and the user will receive a notification that they have an assignment due. This could be useful if you want the user to know ahead of time that they'll have assignment recurring.
Expire on Due Date
You have the option to have your recurring assignment expire on the due date. This means that once the recurring time period is over, the assignment will expire and you will not be able to submit a late assignment.
How are assignments different than assignment schedules?
With recurring assignments and the ability to schedule, you have more flexibility to assign for future due dates and on a regular cadence. Using the original assignment feature, you are able to create one instance of an assignment, but not multiple. Using the scheduling feature also gives you the option to allow the workflow assignment to expire immediately after the due date, which doesn't allow for late submissions.