User Profile
Updated over a week ago

Update your user profile to include important contact information and preferences.

👍This article will help you:

  • Edit your profile information, including profile photo, preferred language, and email notifications settings

  • Change your password

To access User Profile, go to Settings on the left side menu, then Profile.


📘Manage other users' accounts

To learn more about managing other users’ accounts within your organization, go to User Management.

Personal Details



First name, Last name

Your first and last name or initials.


Your email at this organization. To change your email, contact Customer Support.

Profile photo

Your profile photo. At least 500x500 pixels is recommended.

Title (optional)

Your title or role at this organization.

Phone (optional)

Your phone number at this organization.


Your preferred language setting. Language determines the locale and date, time, and number formatting.

User analytics

Your preference for how Atrius may track your activity.




Permission set

Permission set determines your access to apps and settings. Contact your administrator to change your permissions.


The partner(s) to which you belong. To be added or removed from a partner, contact your Partner Administrator.

Email Notifications



Uptime notifications

Informs you if a point is offline or flatlined, or if a bill point is outdated. It also informs you if a point or bill point has recovered and returned to "online" status.

Weekly uptime notifications summary

Informs you of all point and bill point status changes for the week.

Point and bill point alerts

Informs you of alert conditions to which you have subscribed.

📘Manage alerts and scheduled emails subscriptions

To manage your point and bill point alerts, go to Alerts.

To manage your scheduled dashboard emails, go to Scheduled Emails.


To change your password, select 'Reset Password'. Enter a new password, then log into Atrius again.

Atrius requires passwords to have at least 8 characters, including one number and one letter.

📘User session expiration

User sessions will timeout every 12 hours for security reasons. To remain logged in without being timed out every 12 hours, select 'Stay logged in' on the login page.

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