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Purchasing a survey

How to purchase and set a survey live using your Attest credits or a card payment

Updated over a week ago

After you’ve written your survey questions and chosen the audience you wish to target, you are ready to purchase your survey. 

1) Proceed to the Review page

2) Click Confirm & Purchase

3) Press Pay Now

1) Proceed to the Review page. Choose to launch the survey immediately by selecting that the survey will go live Now, or select Later to schedule your survey based on date, time and timezone. You can also set your survey to recur every 1, 3 or 6 months, by selecting which interval you'd like to use from the dropdown list.

Here you will also be able to see how many questions your survey contains, the sample size, the length of the longest route in use and any audience targeting you’ve selected.

2) Click Confirm & Purchase in the bottom right corner to proceed (this will be greyed out if your survey contains errors that need to be corrected).

You can select the credit pot you want to use and you will see the current balance in that pot and the cost of the survey. You will only be able to purchase surveys from pots you're a member of. If you need access to other pots, reach out to your Attest admin user(s), who can manage your membership of credit pots. Recurring surveys will also be taken from the pot chosen at this point.

If you don’t have credit pots set up, your Attest admin user(s) can create credit pots for your team in the Credits page, find out how, here.

Bear in mind that using routing or display logic can affect how many overall responses you get. Find out more about display logic and responses.

3) Press Pay Now and your survey will go live immediately or be scheduled for your selected date and time. You'll then be taken to the results page where you can see your survey filling in real-time. (For more help with your results check out this selection of articles.)

The credits for this survey will be deducted at this point, whether the survey is going live immediately or is scheduled for a future time. You will not be able to make any further edits to surveys scheduled to start in the future.

If you've selected to make your survey recurring, this will populate new draft surveys in your Drafts area, the first of which will go live three months after the launch of your first survey. These surveys are editable before they go live, and credits will be taken as each subsequent survey launches.

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