If you wish to view your Halaxy appointments on an external calendar, you can sync your Halaxy calendar to your iPhone, Outlook and Google calendar, or any other calendar that uses the iCal format*. Any updates made to your Halaxy calendar will automatically update in your external calendar.
One-way calendar syncing is available to all practitioners on Halaxy for free. It enables you to see your patient appointments on your other calendars on the go, even when you do not have access to your computer or when you're not logged into your Halaxy account.
*iCal is a file format that allows people to share calendar events across online calendar applications.
If multiple practitioners work at your venue, you will need to do these steps for each practitioner.
1. Create your Halaxy sync address
1. Create your Halaxy sync address
To enable one-way syncing, all you need to do is obtain your own unique syncing address in Halaxy, then enter it into your external calendar. You will then be able to see your appointments on your other calendar.
Open the Sync with External Calendars pop-up. You can opt to open this for your own calendar or choose a practitioner whose calendar you wish to access. This pop-up can be found in two places:
On the Users page: Click Settings > Users, then beside the selected practitioner name, click the Calendar icon.
On the Calendar: From the Calendar, click the Sync icon in the top right.
Get your unique Halaxy calendar syncing address.
If you or the selected practitioner do not have a unique calendar syncing address yet, click Get syncing address to generate one.
Once you have a unique calendar syncing address, you can copy the URL, or click the Email icon to send the URL to the selected practitioner.
Use this address to sync using your chosen external calendar. See instructions below to connect this sync address into Avaana via Google calendar.
2. Adding an external calendar into Google calendar
2. Adding an external calendar into Google calendar
Sign into your Google Calendar account via: https://workspace.google.com/products/calendar/?hl=en-US
Click the + icon next to "Other calendars" in the left side-menu and select "From URL".
Enter your calendar address provided by your Calendar/Practice Management software in the URL field and click Add Calendar.
3. Set the Google calendar sharing settings
3. Set the Google calendar sharing settings
To ensure Avaana can read the Google calendar's availability and correctly block out your already booked appointments, you will need to share this calendar with our admin@avaana.com.au email address. Please follow instructions below on how to do so.
Open Google Calendar settings via: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/settings
In the left side-menu under “Settings for my calendars” select the calendar you want are syncing with Avaana
Click “+ Add people and groups” button
In the email field, enter admin@avaana.com.au
In the permissions field, select Make changes to events
Click Send
4. Adding the Google calendar into Avaana
4. Adding the Google calendar into Avaana
Now that your calendar is connected and syncing with Google, we will connect this Google calendar with the practitioner it belongs to in Avaana.
Open Google Calendar settings via: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/settings
In the left side-menu under “Settings for my calendars” select the calendar you want to sync
Scroll down to the heading “Integrate calendar”, this will have the Calendar ID and Public URL fields required to sync into Avaana.
Open your Avaana provider dashboard in another tab or window, and go to the “Integrations” page
Click the “+ Add … Calendar” button in the Calendars section
A popup window will appear with the following fields
Copy and paste the Calendar ID from Google calendar into the Calendar ID field
Copy and paste the Public URL to this calendar from Google calendar into the URL of calendar field
Enter the practitioner’s name this calendar belongs to into the Calendar name field
Click “Add calendar information”
The calendar will now appear in the Calendars section
5. Connecting the calendar to the Practitioner
5. Connecting the calendar to the Practitioner
Now go into the Practitioners page of your dashboard
Select the practitioner this calendar belongs to by clicking the pencil icon next to the practitioner's name.
Once in the practitioner's profile page, click the field Link calendar from Google
Select the calendar name that matches this practitioner
Click Save