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Contractor Workflow

How a project flows from JobOpp Inquiry to Job to payment

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Written by Tech Support
Updated over a week ago

Here’s an overview of the standard workflow for receiving and processing new projects in AWEbase.

JobOpp Inquiry

The project usually starts when you receive a JobOpp Inquiry e-mail from an organization that’s interested in contracting you to do work for them.

When you click the link in an Inquiry, you’re brought here to AWEbase where, on your JobOpp Inquiries screen, you can review the Inquiry and discuss the project with the client using our platform’s built-in commenting system.

Note: If you receive a JobOpp Inquiry from an organization that you're not connected to yet, you'll need to connect with them before you can can review the Inquiry.

Contracts and Jobs

Once you and the client have come to agreement on the project, they will send you a contract, which you can review and sign digitally right here inside AWEbase. Once you sign the contract, the project becomes a Job.

Deliverables and Jobs

A Deliverable is a distinct component of work - such as a video, an audio file, or a 3D model - that you have been contracted to deliver. A Deliverable may also be a service, such as a musical performance, a week's worth of training, or video-recording a special event.

A Job can be comprised of any number Deliverables. For example, if you’ve been contracted to draw three different pictures, each picture would be its own Deliverable, but all three are part of the same Job.

Deliverable Submission and Review

If you have a draft, sketch, or some other sort of “first pass” of a Deliverable file you want the client to check out, you can upload the file for their review. If the client has feedback on your file, you can review that feedback and add your own comments.

When the client is satisfied, you can upload your Deliverable files to finish the job.

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