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Common questions and answers about Duo Deals - the primary way of shopping at Blidz.
What is a Team Buy?
How do I place an order with Team Buy?
What does it mean to join a Team Buy?
What happens if I start a Team Buy but can't find a friend in time?
What’s the difference between hosting a Team Buy and joining an existing Team Buy?
I want a deal but I don’t want to find a friend to buy together. Is there any other way for me to get the deal?
I have hosted a Team Buy and obtained a sharing link. Where can I post this link? What will my friends see when they get the link?
I received an invitation link to join a Team Buy. Do I need to sign up to proceed to order checkout?
What counts as a successful Team Buy?
Can I identify the friends who've joined my Team Buy using the invite link I shared?
I’ve sent my link to multiple friends. What if more than one person joins my Team Buy?