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How to send an Email, SMS, or Whatsapp

Sending a group or individual message through the Pebble platform to customers who are opted in and out of your marketing.

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Written by Support Pebble
Updated over 2 months ago


Email and SMS are currently in the early access phase with a select number of customers trying it out. Full release is coming soon in 2025.

Sending a Whatsapp through the Pebble platform is still under development and will be coming soon in 2025.

Please reach out to your customer success manager or if you are interested in early access to any of these features or have any questions.

Step 1: How to find the "Message" button

There are 3 different places in the platform where you can find the new message button and start composing an email, whatsapp, or SMS.

1. Customer Directory

From here, you can send a message to all of your customers or use the filters to segment them into a group.

2. Registers

From here, you can message everyone who is booked onto this session.

3. Attendee Information Popup

Here, you can message one select individual. Note - the message will be sent to the phone number or email address linked with the Customer.

Step 2: Reviewing your mailing list

Once you click on the message button, you should see a mailing list of everyone you are about to message. It should look something like this:

  • You can choose to copy all of the email addresses or phone numbers from your mailing list by clicking "Copy emails" or "Copy numbers", and they will be pasted to your clipboard in a format that is ready to be used in another messaging too

  • You can remove select individuals from the mailing list by clicking the bin icon

  • You can toggle "Show attendee names" to see which attendees are associated with the customers in your list


    This mailing list only updates once every two hours. This means that any changes to your bookings/registers will take a little bit of time to be reflected in your mailing list pop-up.

Step 3: How to include customers who are opted out of your marketing

  • If you need to send a service message, which is a message that does not contain promotional or marketing content, you can choose to include customers who have opted out of your marketing in your mailing list.

  • You can do this by checking the box with the label "Include marketing opt-outs":

Please ensure you understand the difference between service and marketing messages before contacting anybody who is opted out.
Please ensure you are familiar with our Messaging Services Terms before sending any message to individuals who are opted out.

  • Once you have checked this box, you will see the following pop-up and must agree to the terms before proceeding to send your message:

  • After agreeing, your mailing list will now contain individuals who are both opted in and out of your marketing. The list will look something like this:

Step 4: Composing an email

  • You can send an email directly from the Pebble platform to one or more of your customers.

  • You can choose the "Reply to" email address. Here you can add any email address of your choice. Any replies to this email will reach the address that you have set the "reply to" field.

  • When you are sending an email to a group of people, the [first name] box will be replaced by the customer's name once the email is sent.

  • You can change the greeting from "Hello" to anything else!

  • You have a number of email customisation options, including the ability to add an attachment or upload an image to your email.

  • When you are sending a marketing message, we will include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

  • When sending a service message that includes customers who are opted out, a disclaimer will be present at the end of the email stating that the email should not contain promotional content. Recipients are instructed to contact your registered email address if they wish to make a complaint.

    Here is an example of what your email could look like:

Step 5: Composing an SMS

  • You will have the ability to send any SMS to one or multiple customers.

  • SMS messages will be sent to the phone number that is associated with their account.

  • One SMS is 160 characters. You can send up to three SMS messages in one go, with a maximum character count of 480.

  • Most moden phones will combine SMS messages into one so that you can't tell there are three different SMS messages.

  • When you are sending a marketing message, we will include an unsubscribe link which is why your character count is higher by default.

  • When sending a service message that includes customers who are opted out, no unsubscribe link is included.

Step 6: Composing a Whatsapp message

Stay tuned - this feature is coming soon!

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