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How to take Class Registers
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Written by Support Pebble
Updated over a week ago

You can easily take registers for all of your classes so you can record which children attended or were absent.

1. Where are the registers?

Registers are held on the bookings tab.

When you navigate to the bookings tab it will be defaulted to the 'Bookings overview' - if you toggle to 'Check-in register' then you will be able to view your class registers.

The bookings page holds the attendance status of an Attendee for a particular session. This reflects attendance updates from the Check-in register tab.

Green = attended

Red = absent

Grey = unknown/attendance not yet completed

The attendance of an attendee for a particular class can also be found on the CSV export.

2. Check-in Register

When Check-in register is selected you will be taken to the screen below:

This screen will be pre-selected to ‘Next 7 days’ - this view shows the classes for the next 7 days with the earliest class at the top and the latest class at the bottom.

You will have the option to select the 'Last 30 days' if you want to find a class in the recent past. The view will be sorted with the earliest class at the top and the latest class at the bottom.

If the you wish to find a register for a specific class that you can't find in the 7 or 30 day view then you can use the search functionality to find it - more on this later.

Class rows

Class rows show key class identifying information so you can easily find the correct class.

The Blue/Grey bar on the left hand side indicates the register completion % - the more blue the more of the register has been completed. This is also reflected in the bottom right hand corner fraction.

Selecting a class row reveals the corresponding register on the right hand side.

Class register

Key class information is shown at the top of the class register view.

  • The fraction in the top right corner shows the number of bookings against the class capacity.

  • You will see a list of all attendees booked into a class

  • Information held on each attendee row is:

    • Attendee name - clicking on the child name will show the further information pop-up modal which will reveal more information about any medical consideration as well as customer contact details

    • Attendee medical information status icon

    • Photo consent status icon

    • Age

    • Date of birth

  • You will be able to mark a child as attended, absent or unknown using the ticks and crosses

  • Clicking an attendees name will reveal further information about the attendee and customer in a pop-up:

    • Customer name

    • Customer contact details

    • Medical information

    • Photo consent

    • Marketing consent

Class register sorting

You will be have a number of options to sort your class registers:

  • Attendee name (A-Z) - this is the default sorting option

  • Medical - sorts the the attendees to those with medical issues at the top, then Medical status unknown, then no medical issues.

  • Photo consent - opted out of photos to the top, unknown consent status next, and opted in at the bottom.

  • Attendance - sorts unknown to the top, then absent, then attended.

  • Age (youngest first) - Youngest children first, oldest last

  • Ticket types - sorts attendees by the ticket type purchased in alphabetical order

Class search

  • The search functionality allows you to search for a class name in the past 30-days or next 7-days.

  • The class names populate in the search drop down as you type

  • Once you have found your class you can select it to reveal the register for that class

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