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[Admins] User Roles
Updated over a week ago

User Permissions Based on Type

Please Note: Some of the permissions and features below are available for certain user roles, but are optional, which means they can be enabled by a Broker/Admin user, but aren't necessarily enabled by default.

Agent Profile-Only



Lender Admin



Account Permissions & Settings

Agent Subdomain

Lead Rotation


Show On Site

Receive Leads through Transfer (Bulk or Individual)

Blog Author

Blog Contributor

Content Editor

Seller Address-Only View, Reverse Look-Up, Export

Craigslist Poster

Listings Manager (Hot Sheet & My Listings)

Lender Auto-Assign

Marketing Communication


e-Alert Templates

Email Templates

Text Templates

Create Group/Shared Text & Email Templates

View & Use Group/Shared Text &/or Email Templates

View Other Agent Text & Email Templates

View Other Lender Text & Email Templates

Smart-Drip Plans

Sharing Library

Targeted Bulk Email

Targeted Bulk Texting

BombBomb Video Integration


Admin Access

Lead Rotation Changes

Agent & Lender User Additions/Updates

Lead Export Functionality

Reporting Menu

Traffic Dashboard

Lender Accountability

Perform Bulk Lead Transfers/Re-categorizations

Request Website Changes

View/Take Action on Others' Leads

Filter By Assigned Agent in Lead Central

Filter By Assigned Lender in Lead Central

Lead Management

Manually Add Leads

Request Bulk Imports

Create Tracking Links

Create Off-Site Lead Forms

Request Quick Search Widget Codes

Customize Buyer Welcome Email

Lead Central

Opportunity Wall

Hot Sheet

My Listings

Text Messaging

Segmentation & Tagging

Seller Dashboard

Reverse Prospecting (Best-Fit Leads)

Mojo Dialer Integration

Google Calendar Integration

Auto-Import Leads

Multi-Agent Lead Assignment


View Transactions

Edit Transactions

dotloop Integration

My Deals Access

My Deals - Show GCI

My Deals - Show Agent Split

My Deals - Leaderboard Access

Lead Matching Access

Rematching Access

SharkTank Set Up

SharkTank Notifications & Claims

BoomTown NOW App Access

Lead Qualification Questions & Edits (Lead Profile)

Lead Qualification Filters (Lead Central)

Support & Training Services



Knowledge Base Access

Agent Users

Your Agent user list is where you can access a roster of all the Agent users associated with your account, make updates to their lead rotation and site-showing settings, and access their profiles for further updates, among other things!

To access your Agent user list, open your left-hand navigation menu, click on the Admin tab, and then select the Users - Agents option.

As a Network Admin user, you have access to viewing and editing Agent users associated with each one of your platforms-- and can filter your Agents page to view each platform separately through a drop-down menu at the top of the page.

Within your Agent users list, you'll find:


The Agent's Last Name, First Name along with their Login/Email address displayed below.

Click on the Agent's name to get to their Agent Profile page.

Show on Site

As a Broker/Admin, you control which of your Agents' names & pictures will appear on your website under the Agents directory page.

Turning on both the Show on Site and Send Leads rotations for an Agent will also display them under listing Full Details pages.

Send Leads

This option adds an Agent to the lead rotation.

This must be turned on for an Agent in order for the Agent to receive leads who register on your company's site.

Buyer Leads Per Round & Seller Leads Per Round

Sets the quantity of Buyer and Seller leads, respectively, that will be assigned to a given Agent within each rotation.

This settings allows you to "weigh" the rotation by setting a percentage.

Last Buyer Lead & Last Seller Lead

These columns only account for the leads that were assigned to Agents based on the rotation. This does not include leads received through an Agent subdomain, as those bypass the rotation.


This column will indicate whether an Agent has a specific Lender tied to their account through the Lender Auto-Assign setting.

If you want to change the Lender who is auto-assigned, simply click the Lender's name to be taken to the Agent's profile for updates.


If the Agent still has leads assigned to them, clicking this X will bring up the Transfer Leads modal for you to transfer their leads to another Agent user(s).

Once you've re-assigned all of that Agent's leads, their account will be permanently deleted.

Please Note: You may be prompted to reach out to Support to get leads reassigned.

Agent Profile-Only Overview

The Agent Profile-Only role is a free BoomTown Agent user account with limited access. Agents marked Profile-Only will not count toward your company's maximum number of Active Agents.



Be set to Show On-Site which displays the Agent on your website’s Agents page

Be placed in rotation to receive leads that register on your company website

Have an Agent sub-domain website as a method to receive leads through the site.

When a lead registers on the Agent’s website, the lead will automatically be assigned to that Agent, rather than the current Agent in rotation to receive leads

Receive transferred leads via Bulk Lead Transfer

Manually add leads in Lead Central

Access the Auto-Import Leads tool

Email individual leads and create/utilize Email Templates in BoomTown

Receive transferred leads from a Broker or Agent

Categorize leads in Lead Central and access Lead Profiles

Create or use Smart-Drip Plans

Tag and Segment leads

Access the Smart-Drip Sharing Library

Use the Best-Fit Leads Feature in Lead Central

Be a Custom-Content Page Content Editor

Utilize MojoDialer Integration

Be a Craigslist Poster

Text Leads

Have an Administrator role & Capabilities

Create e-Alerts

Access to the NOW Panel (Opportunity Wall)

Set To-Dos

Create Text Templates

Build Tracking Links

Utilize Targeted Bulk Emailing in Lead Central

Access BoomTown Helpdesk Knowledge Base learning materials

Join the BoomTown Agent's Facebook Community

Request a bulk lead Import by completing our Pre-Import Questionnaire!

Create and Publish Blog Posts

Contact BoomTown Support regarding questions and concerns relevant to their individual account

Customize their Buyer Welcome Email

Have Leads assigned through My Listing, My Lead

Access the Listings Manager feature (includes Hot Sheet and My Listings)

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