Promote Listings Overview
By selecting the Promote Listings option you will attract buyers by showing your active listings and maximize exposure on Facebook. This option will allow BoomTown to target Facebook users within a 15-mile radius around the property you choose. We take the property listing coordinates and target that geographic location combined with a lookalike audience. This lookalike audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your listings that are not in your database!
A huge benefit to the Promote Listing option is that each listing on Facebook, links back to the Agent’s subdomain that either paid for the promotion or in the case of the Broker/Admin paying for the ad, it goes to the subdomain they select (or the company website if they so choose) and creates a buyer lead.
Create a Program
1. Select Marketing Central from the left side navigation and start by clicking on the Create New button in the Promote listings tile.
2. You'll need to choose a blueprint, this is the template in which your campaign will be displayed.
You can choose to showcase three or more listings in a carousel format, showcase a single image listing Ad, or showcase a single sold listing (only available if Sold data is populating on your site).
3. Choose the listing you'd like to highlight from the list that appears (please note this could take a moment to load). You will be able to filter listings in the top filter drop-down based on search criteria.
4. To select a listing, choose the check box next to the listing and choose Done. This will populate a preview of the listing Ad in the preview window.
Your Real Estate Source will be the default company if you haven’t linked your Business Facebook page. To run campaigns on your own page, be sure to link your own Facebook page prior to setting up this campaign.
Consumers can still interact with these campaigns, if you use the default/fallback page you will not be able to see engagement with or respond to comments on your campaign, so using your business Facebook page is far more beneficial than using the default company.
5. In the Creative section, we have automatically populated ad copy with important listing data consumers are interested in. We’ve optimized these campaigns for maximum performance with minimum effort. When you are ready click Next.
No targeting criteria is available, because BoomTown uses data from your platform to create audiences, which optimizes the entire campaign for you. Out of the box ad copy will likely yield very good results but if you wish to further personalize the campaign, you are able to. If you do decide to edit the text here, you can see your updates in the preview window as you make changes.
You will see a Destination option here. You can choose to place campaigns on Agent websites or the Company website.
Set Your Schedule & Budget
1. To adjust your campaign dates, click onto the date format to populate a calendar of dates to select.
2. . You can adjust the Ad spend by moving the blue button to adjust the amount to fit your budget. The minimum spend per program is $50.
Based on the date range and Ad spend selected, your Daily Spend will adjust in the preview.
3. Enter your payment information and click Next.
4. From here you’ll checkout and review your Ad before launching your campaign.
Promote Solds
By selecting the Promote Solds option you will be able to attract sellers with campaigns highlighting your sold properties and maximize exposure on Facebook. This option will allow BoomTown to target Facebook users within 15 miles of the address of the listing to create a lookalike audience. This lookalike audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your listings that are not already in your database. Their online behavior is similar to your best existing customers in your database hence the term lookalike.
For Sold Promotions, BoomTown will target an audience within the geographic area of that sold property that behave similarly online to the active users on your website. Each listing on Facebook, links back to the agent’s subdomain that either paid for the promotion or in the case of the Broker/Admin paying for the Ad, it goes to the subdomain they select (or the company website if they so choose) and creates a buyer lead.
This program is based on MLS data, please keep in mind if Sold Data is not available in your market (non-disclosure states) the Promote Sold campaign will not populate as an option. Only Sold Listings within the last 60 days will populate within this program.
Create a Program
1. Select Marketing Central from the left side navigation and start by clicking on the Create New button on the Promote Solds tile.
2. From here, you'll need to choose a blueprint, this is the template in which your campaign will be displayed.
You can choose to showcase three or more listings in a carousel format, showcase a single image listing Ad, or showcase a single sold listing (only available if Sold data is populating on your site).
3. Choose the listing you'd like to highlight from the list that appears (please note this could take a moment to load). You will be able to filter listings in the top filter drop-down based on search criteria.
4. To select a listing, choose the check box next to the listing and choose Done. This will populate a preview of the listing Ad in the preview window.
Your Real Estate Source will be the default company if you haven’t linked your Business Facebook page. To run campaigns on your own page, be sure to link your own Facebook page prior to setting up this campaign.
Consumers can still interact with these campaigns, if you use the default/fallback page you will not be able to see engagement with or respond to comments on your campaign, so using your business Facebook page is far more beneficial than using the default company.
5. In the Creative section, we have automatically populated ad copy with important listing data consumers are interested in. We’ve optimized these campaigns for maximum performance with minimum effort. When you are ready click Next.
No targeting criteria is available, because BoomTown uses data from your platform to create audiences, which optimizes the entire campaign for you. Out of the box ad copy will likely yield very good results but if you wish to further personalize the campaign, you are able to. If you do decide to edit the text here, you can see your updates in the preview window as you make changes.
Broker/Admins users: You will see a Destination option here. You can choose to place campaigns on Agent websites or the Company website.
Set Your Schedule & Budget
1. To adjust your campaign dates, click on the date format to populate a calendar of dates to select.
2. . You can adjust the Ad spend by moving the blue button to adjust the amount to fit your budget. The minimum spend per program is $50.
Based on the date range and Ad spend selected, your Daily Spend will adjust in the preview.
3. Enter your payment information and click Next.
4. From here you’ll check out and review your Ad before launching your campaign.