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Re-Engage Your Leads
Updated over a week ago


When selecting the Re-Engage Your Leads option we will automatically deliver relevant property recommendations to your database with Dynamic Retargeting. With this program, BoomTown will target contacts in your database that have registered, been imported via other sources, or have changed their contact information within the last two years.

Only Broker/Admin users can subscribe to this program. Leads are not typically generated with this program, as this is designed to keep your contacts coming back to your site using the social channel.

When you begin a Dynamic Retargeting program, the audiences are updated with new leads daily after initiating the program. These contacts are targeted on Facebook with ALL Listings in your MLS that are relevant to them based on their previous search criteria if they have been to your site in the previous 180 days.

If a lead has not been on site in the previous 180 days, then they will see popular listings in your MLS. By choosing this program, you automatically deliver relevant property recommendations to your database with the latest listings on your MLS.

Create a program

1. Select Marketing Central from the left side navigation and start by clicking on the Create New button on the Re-Engage Your Leads tile.

2. You'll need to choose a blueprint, this is the template in which your campaign will be displayed.

You can choose to Engage Non-Registered Users or Re-Engage Registered Leads.

You won't need to select a specific listing for this Campaign because Ads will be personalized to the user.

3. Your Real Estate Source will be the default company if you haven’t linked your Business Facebook page. To run campaigns on your own page, be sure to link your own Facebook page prior to setting up this campaign.

Consumers can still interact with these campaigns, if you use the default/fallback page you will not be able to see engagement with or respond to comments on your campaign, so using your business Facebook page is far more beneficial than using the default company.

4. In the Creative section, we have automatically optimized these campaigns for maximum performance with minimum effort. When you are ready click Next.

No targeting criteria is available, because BoomTown uses data from your platform to create audiences, which optimizes the entire campaign for you. Out of the box ad copy will likely yield very good results but if you wish to further personalize the campaign, you are able to. If you do decide to edit the text here, you can see your updates in the preview window as you make changes.

Set Your Schedule & Budget

1. In the next section you can decide how you’d like to pay for your campaign by selecting a Recurring subscription or One-time payment.

One-time payments - you will be able to select a date range and total Ad spend for the Campaign.

You can adjust the Ad spend by sliding the blue button to adjust the amount to fit your budget.

The minimum spend for the one-time payment option is $150.

Recurring Subscription - you will be able to select a start date and monthly spend for the Campaign.

2. Enter your payment information and click Next.

3. From here you’ll check out and review your Ad before launching your campaign.

The first occurrence of this ad should take 48 hours to post on social media sites. If there is a problem with the feed, it could take up to 72 hours. Re-engage ads posted after the first time should post immediately.

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