Within your Lead Central page, you'll have the option of filtering your leads based on a few criteria, including the lead Category, Lead Type, and some Smart-Segments!
To apply the filter, navigate to the left-hand criteria bar within the page.
If you're not seeing the left-hand criteria bar within your account, look for a white arrow along the side that means it's been collapsed, and select it to expand the option!
Filter Options
Admins Only | As a Broker/Admin, filter leads by their assigned Agent |
Select to view only Buyers, Sellers and/or Buy/Sell leads (none selected will display all Lead Types) | |
| Click on the category (or categories) of leads you wish to view |
All Active | Displays leads within all the Active categories: New, Qualify, Hot, Nurture & Watch |
New Leads | Displays all the leads within the New category |
Not Contacted | Displays all the leads in the Active categories that have not have a call logged for them by anybody on your team. |
Today's To-Dos: Calls | Shows a list of all the leads that have Call To-Dos schedule for the particular day in which you're viewing the filter. |
Birthdays: Next 7 Days | Displays a list of all leads that have a Birthday listed in their profile that is within the next 7 days (on a rolling basis) |
Anniversaries: Next 7 Days | Displays a list of all leads that have a Closing Date Anniversary listed in their profile that is within the next 7 days (on a rolling basis) |
Once a filter or filters have been selected, you can view the selections along the top of your Lead Central page.
To then remove a filter that's been applied, simply select the X button within its pill box. To clear all the filters at once, select the Clear option!