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User & Membership
Updated over a week ago



In the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal, a User represents an individual who has access to the system. Users are typically employees, associates, or external collaborators associated with your Manufacturer Org. Each User has a unique profile, with a username and password for accessing the portal. Additionally, Users are assigned various roles and permissions, governed by membership and policy, to define their access levels and the actions they can perform within the system.


Let’s consider an employee named "John Doe" at “Sunshine Beverages LLC.” John could be a production manager responsible for overseeing the manufacturing processes. He would have a User account within the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal, allowing him to log in, view production schedules, and manage inventory levels. Another example could be "Jane Smith," a sales representative who uses the system to track customer orders and communicate with clients.


A User can have several relations within the system:

  • Manufacturer Org: Each User is associated with a Manufacturer Org. They are either part of the internal team or external collaborators.

  • Membership: Membership links a User to a Manufacturer Org and determines the status (active, inactive, invited) of their association.

  • Policy: Policy defines a set of rules and permissions that a User is granted. It determines what sections of the portal they can access and what actions they can perform.

  • Permission: A User’s access to specific features and data in the portal is dictated by Permissions, which are part of the Policy assigned to them.

Example Relations

John Doe, our production manager at "Sunshine Beverages LLC," would have a User profile associated with the Manufacturer Org. His Membership could be ‘active,’ indicating he is a current employee. His Policy might be ‘Production Manager’ which would grant him Permissions to access production schedules, inventory levels, and work orders but not sales data or financial information. On the other hand, Jane Smith, the sales representative, could have a Policy named ‘Sales Representative,’ allowing her to access customer orders, invoices, and customer communication tools but restricting her from modifying production plans.

Entity Lifecycle States

The User entity has associated lifecycle states through Membership:

  • ACTIVE: The User has an active membership and can access the portal based on assigned permissions.

  • INACTIVE: The User's access to the portal is suspended, though their account remains in the system.

  • INVITED: The User has been invited to join the portal but has not yet completed the registration process.

Membership is a relation that links a User to a Manufacturer Org within the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal. It specifies the status of the User’s association with the organization and, in turn, their ability to access the portal. Membership is crucial for managing and tracking the involvement of different individuals within your Manufacturer Org.




In our previous example, John Doe’s Membership would be ‘active’ as he is currently employed with "Sunshine Beverages LLC." If John were newly hired, his Membership status might initially be 'invited' until he completes the registration process. In case John leaves the company, his Membership status could be changed to 'inactive.'


Membership primarily connects the User to the Manufacturer Org and carries a status reflecting the nature of this connection.

Entity Lifecycle States

  • ACTIVE: Indicates that the User is actively associated with the Manufacturer Org.

  • INACTIVE: Indicates that the User's association with the Manufacturer Org is suspended.

  • INVITED: Indicates that the User has been invited to join the Manufacturer Org but has not yet accepted the invitation.

Policy and Permission (Touching on Related Concepts)


Policy in the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal is a set of rules and permissions assigned to a User.

It defines what sections and features within the system a User can access and what actions they are allowed to perform. Permissions are specific access rights or actions that are grouped under a Policy.


At "Sunshine Beverages LLC," the production managers might have a Policy named "Production Manager" which includes Permissions such as viewing production schedules, managing inventory levels, and creating work orders. Sales representatives might have a different Policy, “Sales Representative”, with Permissions that allow them to track sales orders, manage customer relations, and generate invoices.


  • User: A Policy is assigned to a User, defining their access and actions within the system.

  • Permission: Permissions are the specific rights or actions that are grouped within a Policy.

Example Relations

For John Doe, the production manager, his User account could be assigned a Policy that groups together Permissions like "View Production Schedule," "Manage Inventory," and "Create Work Order." These Permissions define what John is allowed to do within the portal.

Entity Lifecycle States

Policies and Permissions typically do not have lifecycle states. They are either assigned to a User or not. However, they can be created, modified, or deleted by administrators as needed.

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