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Work Order
Updated over a week ago


A Work Order in the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal represents a specific unit of work or task to be performed in the manufacturing process. It serves as a directive to the production team, providing detailed instructions, requirements, and timelines for carrying out the necessary operations. Work Orders help streamline the production workflow, ensure consistency, and track progress throughout the manufacturing process.


For example, a Work Order could be created for the production of 1,000 "16oz Organic Apple Juice Bottles." The Work Order would include details such as the quantity, production steps, required resources, and estimated completion date.


  • Production Order: Work Orders are typically part of a larger Production Order, which encompasses multiple Work Orders and represents a top-level project or production run.

  • Work Order Line Items: Work Orders consist of one or more line items, representing the individual tasks or operations to be performed.

  • Production Resource: Work Orders are assigned to specific Production Resources, such as machines, equipment, or personnel, responsible for carrying out the work.

Example Relations

In our example, the Work Order for producing 1,000 "16oz Organic Apple Juice Bottles" would be associated with a Production Order that includes other related Work Orders for different production tasks. Each Work Order Line Item within the Work Order would represent a specific operation, such as "Bottling," "Labeling," and "Casing." The Work Order would be assigned to appropriate Production Resources, such as bottling machines, labeling machines, and packaging personnel.

Entity Lifecycle States

Work Orders can have lifecycle states such as:

  • DRAFT: The Work Order is being created or edited and is not yet finalized.

  • SCHEDULED: The Work Order has been scheduled for execution but is not yet in progress.

  • IN_PROCESS: The Work Order is currently being executed or worked on.

  • COMPLETED: The Work Order has been successfully completed.

  • CANCELED: The Work Order has been canceled and will not be carried out.

  • DELETED: The Work Order has been permanently removed from the system.

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