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Where is my booking confirmation?
Where is my booking confirmation?
Zara Lobrin avatar
Written by Zara Lobrin
Updated over a week ago

You can find your booking confirmation in your Bounce account or at the email address associated with your booking. If you don't know which email address you used, try using the one associated with the payment method you used.

Ways on how to get your booking information

Bounce app

  1. Open the Bounce app on your mobile device.

  2. Select the menu icon ☰ on the top left side the screen.

  3. Select Sign in at the top of the screen, then enter your email address or phone number and select Continue.

  4. Tap the Bookings icon at the top left side the menu.

  5. Select View details of your booking.

Mobile web

  1. Go to and select the menu icon ☰ on the top right of the screen.

  2. Select My bookings, then enter your email address or phone number and select Continue.

  3. Enter the confirmation code and select Confirm.

  4. Select View details of your booking.

Desktop web

  1. Go to and select Log in at the top of the page.

  2. Enter your email address or phone number and select Continue.

  3. Enter the confirmation code and select Confirm.

  4. Select the Bookings icon at the top left of the menu.

  5. Select View details of your booking.

Once you have your booking confirmation, you can save it for later by adding it to your Apple Wallet or sharing the link directly from the confirmation page.


If you booked using PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay, your booking confirmation was probably sent to the email address you use for that account.

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