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Package Pick Up
Do I need to schedule a pickup time?
Do I need to schedule a pickup time?

Pick Up anytime, during store hours!

Zara Lobrin avatar
Written by Zara Lobrin
Updated over a week ago

At Bounce, we prioritize your convenience and satisfaction when it comes to picking up your packages. Here's what you need to know about our flexible pickup process:

  • We understand that flexibility is key to your busy schedule. With Bounce, there's no need to schedule a specific pickup time. Simply drop by our store during our operating hours at your convenience.

  • Enjoy the fastest and most convenient pickup experience with Bounce. Our goal is to make retrieving your packages as seamless as possible.

  • Unlike impersonal package locker systems, Bounce offers personalized service. Your package is monitored and cared for by our attentive store partners until you're ready to collect it.

  • We carefully vet every location we partner with to ensure your packages are in safe hands. Our store partners are an essential part of our team, dedicated to providing excellent service.

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