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Objectives overview

Set an Objective against a One to One to get the most out of your meetings

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated over 3 months ago


By selecting the Performance tab, which can be found in your employees profiles, you will be directed to the employees ones to ones, objectives and deliverables tabs.

If you click the Objectives tab, you will then see a list of the current objectives associated to that employee. This includes the title, the creation date, due date, whether it is linked to a one to one, score, percentage of completion and state (eg. suggested) :

If you wish to see the completed objectives, filter by state 'done':

From here you can create a report of the objectives...

...or add a new objective using the 'plus' icon.

Please note: that the report you pull will depend on which filters you have applied.

You can also edit, view or delete the objective.

If you want to add comments to an objective, click into the record and scroll down to add a new comment:

Score an objective

You can score each objective from 1 to 5....

  • 1 - thought about / planned it

  • 2 - started it

  • 3 - completed it

  • 4 - completed it well

  • 5 - went above and beyond

Employees can suggest an objective from their dashboard.

You can view any suggested objectives via your HR/Line Manager dashboard.

Please note: employees will be able to view suggested objectives, but only line managers/HR users can approve or reject suggestions from employees.

Should you wish to confirm or reject a suggested objective, you can click into the record and then use the buttons at the top of the page:

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Adding a new objective:

If you wish to add an new objective for your employee, you can do this from the performance hub within their profile.

You will need to add a title and a description for the objective. You also have the option to add a due date, link it to a company goal / one to one and add notes.

Completing an objective

Once the objective has been completed a line manager will be able to mark it as done. Head to the objective, select the action arrow and change the state to done.

Please note: If the employee has uploaded the objective themselves they will be able to mark these as done themselves.

If it was set on their behalf they will be able to give it a completion % and the line manager will then update the objective to show it as done.

N.B. As the person who manages objectives for the employee, you can add an objective at either a suggested or confirmed state. However, the employee can also suggest their own objectives which will then come to you to on an email to be confirmed. Once confirmed, the employee will no longer be able to edit their objective.

Please note: Line manager's permissions are set by the HR User so some of these options may not appear.

The character limit for an objective title is 255 characters. The description limit for an objective is 65,000 characters, so you don't need to worry about entering too much text!

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