We often get asked, "What emails get sent out and when?"
Here is a summary for you that covers what emails are sent out, who they are sent to and when.
How do I opt-in to receive email notifications?
The first steps to take are to ensure that you are opted in to receive the daily or weekly notifier emails through your profile page from the User preferences tab
Here you will see a slider option that puts you in control to either turn the email notifications on or off.
Blue and On means that you have opted to receive email notifications
Red and Off means that you have opted to not receive email notifications
Note: These do not affect system notifications such as leave requests etc. They are simply for 'Reminder emails'
When are email notifications sent?
All daily and weekly notifier emails will send at 7:00am.
Weekly digest emails
Every Monday morning,
Who to?
HR users
What does it cover?
DBS expiry reminder expiring in 30 days or less
Any unresolved disciplinaries or grievances
Outstanding leave requests
Birthdays in the next 7 days
Work anniversaries in the next 7 days
Open sickness
One-to-ones coming up in the next 7 days
Objectives due in the next 7 days
Employees due to start in the next 7 days
Daily notifiers - HR users
Who to?
HR Users
Notifications will include...
ID document due to expire
Probation near - Exactly 30 days prior
An employee is leaving soon
Training due to expire - 30 days prior
Contract coming to an end - 30 days prior
Personal qualification record expiring
Notes and reminders on the day the reminder is set for
DBS expiry - 30 days prior
Document review - on the review date set
Absences – Notified on the first and last day of the absence
On the day of an interview
HR users will also receive an email notification when an employee adds a medical fact.
Do line managers receive daily notifiers?
Line managers will not receive a daily email if there is nothing to be notified about. The email is split between managerial tasks and employee notifications.
Line manager/employee emails will consist of:
Leave requests
The leave request has been rejected
Company announcements
An expense claim has been submitted (if the line manager manages expenses)
Sickness new submission (if line managers manage their employee's sickness) If an employee has no line manager OR line manager does not have permission to 'manage' employees' sickness, the email will be sent to any HR user
Sickness status changed to returned to work
Company document posted with a read requirement
Training request has been submitted
Training request has been approved
Training request has been rejected
One-to-one has been requested by an employee
One-to-one has been scheduled (e.g. by a line manager for an employee)
New TOIL request
Leave cancellation request
Objective suggested
14 days prior to due date for objective
Recurring one-to-one ending
You have been set as a one-to-one reviewer
On the day of an interview (recruiters only)
Leave cancellation request has been approved
You have tasks due in the next 7 days
Recruitment email notifications
The recruiter of a vacancy will receive daily emails informing them of new applications. These emails are not individual per applicant so will be sent first thing and will tell the recruiter how many new applications they have for a particular vacancy. Please note, that if there are no applications, no email is sent.
If there is no recruiter set for the vacancy, then the HR user will receive the emails daily.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact the support team using the message feature within your Breathe account.