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What can Employees, Contractors and Volunteers see when logged in?
What can Employees, Contractors and Volunteers see when logged in?

A complete guide showing you what employees can see once logged in

Emma Johnson avatar
Written by Emma Johnson
Updated over a week ago

As an HR, Finance or Line Manager you will see certain things that your users are unable to. Below is a no-nonsense guide to showing you what your people, with no elevated permissions, can see once logged in.

The navigation bar

Here your people can see:


User Dashboard allowing them to view and make requests for things such as leave, training etc.

My profile

Summary of their profile


This includes:

  • Announcements

  • Company Documents

  • Company Goals

  • Directory

  • Location bookings

  • Organisation chart


Calendar of their events. They can also see other users booked and requested leave.

The More tab

The view here will be dependent on what modules you have turned on. For more info on modules check out this guide.

If you need to control what employees can see and do on the account, this can be controlled by visiting Configure > Settings > Change what people can see and do

Kudos and Company suggestions

Employees can also make Company suggestions and give co-workers Kudos by clicking on the star icon on the top right-hand side of their page.

This can be turned off under the modules section.

Top tips

  • Why not set up a dummy employee profile and log in to take a look yourself!

  • All modules can be turned on and off and they will retain their information

  • Send the below guide to you people to help them get the most out of Breathe

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