βWhat is the Culture Pledge?
Breathe is a people-first company - our people are at the heart of all we do.
The Culture Pledge initiative was set up in 2018 to promote the importance of company culture and is a promise to put your people first, invest in their success, super-charge employee engagement - and ultimately drive your business forward.
The Culture Pledge is 100% free to join. In joining, you'll be pledging to put your people first, along with hundreds of other like-minded SMEs.
What are the benefits of joining?
Joining the Pledge not only helps you to boost employee performance, but also to attract and retain the best talent for your team.
You'll become part of the Culture Pledge community and gain access to the Pledge Hub - full of handy content and resources - all completely free.
You'll receive:
A Pledge pack containing valuable resources to welcome you onboard
A membership logo for you to display and use
A library of resources to help boost your company culture
Early access to exclusive Breathe events and webinars
Access to a limited online forum where you can chat to other Pledgers and share advice and tips*
Have your say on Breathe products*
Access to our HR Advice Workshop hosted by an accredited HR Partner*
*Only available if you're also a Breathe customer
Our blog below provides 5 great reasons to join the Pledge:
Join the Pledge for free today: