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Verify your STRIPE payouts on bsport
Verify your STRIPE payouts on bsport

The purpose of this article is to show you how to consult the weekly transactions carried out on Bsport and compare the with your payout.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

In "Settings" > "Bsport subscription", you will find all weekly payouts made to your bank account.

Each Monday, Bsport sends you a payout of transactions made on the week.

NB: The STRIPE payout goes out on Friday and does not include the payments made on Saturday and Sunday of the same week. It arrives on your bank account on Monday except public holiday.

By clicking on one of the dates, you will have access to all the invoices related to this payout. You can click on the arrow on the right of the invoice ID to go directly to the invoice.

If you want to check the transactions related to each payout more quickly, you can use the transfer ID, as below.

To do this, create a payment report by selecting the "Transfer" column.

You can then find the payout ID in your payment report to view the transactions included in the payout.

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