For each transactional email, a default email generated by bsport is proposed to you. It is possible to modify this email in order to customize it according to your desires.
Step 1 : Select the email to modify
In Marketing > Templates, in the section "Bsport Templates", select the email you want to modify.
Step 2: Create a copy of the email
Duplicate the email in question using the icon circled in red
You will find the copy of the email in the "No Category" section
Step 3: Modify the email
Modify the email using the pencil button
Make the desired changes to the basic design template. You can change the title, subject line, category and content of the email.
Step 4: Assign the new template to the corresponding transactional email
In Settings > Transactional notifications, select the transactional email you want to associate this email with.
In the "Select the email that will be sent" option, choose the email you just created
From now on, the email sent for the event in question will be the one you have selected.
Note: if you delete the created email, the default Bsport template will be returned for the corresponding transactional email.
Step 4 bis: Send a communication with the new template
You can send a communication with this new template from the tab:
Members, on the page of a particular member
Notifications, for any notification
Smartlists, in sending rule or in direct communication
Sessions, to all the booked members on a given session
To do so, you just have to select the template in question in the "Select an email" list.