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Manage your messages with the inbox
Manage your messages with the inbox

In this article, discover how the inbox can assist you in centralizing all the manual messages exchanged with your members.

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Written by Customer QA
Updated over a week ago

The inbox feature is an add-on. To request the activation of the inbox, you can follow this guide on add-on integration.

This article details the functionalities of the inbox feature, which regroups all conversations with members, smartlists and sessions in one place. It assumes you are already familiar with the new messaging interface, whose functionalities are detailed in this article.

To make full use of the inbox, we recommend that you activate the setting to receive answers by email on the platform.

Please note that communication using SMS is an add-on. If you're in the US, UK or Canada, you can also receive answers from your members with 2-way SMS. To activate it, follow our guide on add-on integration.

General structure

In the inbox, each conversation with a member, session or smartlist is called a thread. The inbox is split into 3 parts:

  1. The thread list section displays a list of threads ordered by the time since their last message. In this section, you can select a category of threads, filter by status, search for a specific thread, start a new thread, and change the status of each thread.

  2. The chat section displays the history of messages for the selected thread. It is also in this section that you write and send new messages.

  3. The details section, collapsible, displays all the relevant information about the member, smartlist or session you're messaging.

Start a new thread

To start a new thread from the inbox, click on the pencil button. Its behaviour will depend on which category of threads is selected: members, smartlists or sessions.

Start a thread with a member

A pop-up will display a search bar. Use it to select the member you want to communicate with: you can look up members by their first name, last name, email or phone number.

Start a thread with a smartlist

A pop-up will display a selector with a list of existing smartlists. There's also an option to create a new smartlist.

Start a thread with a session

You are redirected to a calendar view. Navigate this calendar to select the desired session.

Actions on threads

You can change the status of a thread by clicking on the "..." button on a thread item. 4 options are available:

  • Mark as read

  • Add to favourites

  • Mute

  • Archive

Mark a thread as unread

This option is only available for threads that have been read. It is useful in case you want to remind yourself of reading this thread later.

When a thread is marked as unread, the last message is treated as unread and therefore the thread item displays a red chip with 1 as the number of unread messages.

Add a thread to Favourites

A Favourite thread will have a ⭐ icon on the right of its thread item. This icon will also appear in the Chat header after the contact name.

A favourite thread will always appear at the top of the list. If there are several favourites to display, first the favourites are sorted by time since the last message, and then the non-favourites are displayed, sorted by time as well.

You can filter the threads to only display Favourite threads, see below.

You can remove the thread from your favourites by clicking on the "..." button on the thread item and selecting the "Remove as favourite" option.

Mute a thread

A Muted thread will have a 🔕 icon displayed on its thread icon and in the Chat header after the contact name.

When new messages are received in a muted thread, the number of unread messages on the thread item will be displayed in a grey circle rather than a red one. More importantly, newly received messages will not update the date of the last message for this thread, therefore it will not be pushed to the top of the list. Muted threads will gradually be moved to the end of the list of threads as other active threads will move to the top. However, if you read or send messages on a muted thread, the date of the last message will update.

You can filter the threads to only display Muted threads, see below.

You can unmute the thread by clicking on the "..." button on the thread item and selecting the "Unmute" option.

Archive a thread

An Archived thread will disappear from the Thread tab, even when searching for it with the search tab.

However, the chat messages are not deleted. You can filter the threads to only display "Archived" threads, see below.

There are several ways of restoring an archived chat:

  • by filtering for Archived threads to access the thread, and then clicking on the "..." button on the thread item and selecting the "Restore" option

  • by receiving or sending a new message in the thread

Filter by category

You can choose between Members, Smartlists and Sessions.

Filter by status

There are 5 options for the filter by status.

Search bar

With this search bar, you can search by name, email and phone number for members, and by name for smartlists or sessions.

Details section

The details section is collapsible. You can expand the section by clicking on the button.

You can close the details if desired.

Details tab for members

The info displayed for members is very complete and shows most of what exists on the general tab of a Member page.

  • Phone number and email

  • Sign up date

  • Date of Birth

  • Member ID

  • Bar-code number with a button to display the bar code itself

  • Address

  • Emergency contact info

  • Tags

  • Client account balance

  • Number of unpaid invoices

  • Number of documents

  • Number of notes

A button can redirect you to the member profile page.

Details tab for Smartlists

The details for smartlists are:

  • The current number of members in the smartlist

  • The type of filters applied to the smartlist

  • Its description, if it exists

A button can redirect you to the Smartlist page.

Details tab for Sessions

The displayed info is quite similar to the Session details seen from the Calendar page of the backoffice.

  • Bookings, occupancy rate and waiting list

  • Level

  • If it is online

  • Date and time

  • Teacher's picture and name

  • Room and address

A button can redirect you to the Session details.

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