Every order created in the Bukku MiniPOS app is instantly recorded in your Bukku account under MiniPOS > Orders, ensuring your orders stays updated in real time.
This module allows you to track orders, view details, void transactions, and convert them into individual e-invoices.
Viewing MiniPOS Orders
The image below shows the order listing in the MiniPOS app:
With automatic syncing, orders from the Bukku MiniPOS app will appear in Bukku Accounting under MiniPOS > Orders in real time.
Navigate to MiniPOS > Orders in Bukku.
Here, you’ll find a list of all orders created in MiniPOS, along with key details:
Order Number (e.g., POS-000029)
Date & Time when the order was created
Customer Name the contact you selected (e.g., "Cash Sales" for walk-ins)
Amount of the transaction
Status (Paid or Void)
Action button to:
Click View to see order details.
Click 3 dots beside 'View' to validate the normal order into an E-invoice, or, void the order.
Click View on any order to check its full details.
If needed, you can void an order directly from this page. Order can only be voided on the same day it was created.
You can also validate a normal order into an e-invoice by clicking 'Validate E-invoice' button.