Bukku has created two forms designs with standard customisation for users to use.
There are 3 ways for you to have your own preferred form design, head to Control Panel > Form Designs, then you can:
Click '+New' to create a new form design; or
Click 'View' at My Form Design to make customisation on the standard template provided by Bukku; or
Navigate to 3 dots '...' and click 'Duplicate', to duplicate from any form design (This is useful when you need similar form design with minor changes for other or specific transactions).
Note: My Form Design (Delivery) is a default form design for Delivery Order and Goods Received Note only.
Steps on Customisation on Form Designs
Note: An sample invoice with the following customisation is provided for your reference at the end of this article.
Let's get started !
1. Name of Form Design
With any of the ways above to set up your preferred form design, the form design page appears. Put a name for your Form Design.
2. Customise Design
There are 6 templates provided by Bukku, choose the one that aligns with your preference.
After selecting a template, a live preview of your form will be displayed on the right-hand side.
Select the logo layout and adjust the size of the logo to your preference.
Choose your preferred Colour Scheme and the Font Family.
3. Company Info
Upload the Company Logo and key in the Billing Address.
Leave it empty if you would like the system to take the logo and address from your Company Profile.
4. Customise Titles
5. Item Columns
6. Item Rows
Choose how you want to display your Bundles products.
βNote: Selecting "Partial" will hide the unit price and all amounts.Choose to Reset (toggle on) / Maintain (toggle off) the Running Number for your items when subtitle or subtotal line is added.
7. Summary Table
Choose to display or hide the summary table of your transaction, total quantity of items and the fee charged (if any) on the payment made / received.
8. Contact Info
9. Footer
Select the Footer Position for your Remark and Signatures.
Choose to show or hide the QR code on your PDF transaction.
Adjust font size of Remarks.
Customise or Remove the Remarks' Label.
Override the default Remarks or Signatures by setting it up here when certain contact group or transaction require different remarks or signatures from your Company Setting.
10. Others
Choose to show or hide the Due Date & Reference Currency.
Choose your preferred Currency Type.
Examples: Symbol - RM, US$
Code - MYR, USD
11. Once done, click Save.
Sample Invoice with Customisation
You can check and set your default form design for each transactions in the respective modules at Control Panel > Company Setting > Form Designs.
My Form Design (Delivery) is a default form design for Delivery Order and Goods Received Note only. (You can customise to show unit price, amounts, and others!)