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Overview of functions and features of the Console tab

Ruby Watts avatar
Written by Ruby Watts
Updated over a week ago

Camera Overview

The Camera tab is the main view of your cameras, whether that be checking the live feed or reviewing recorded footage.

[A] Cameras

To access the cameras tab from anywhere in the desktop app, click "Cameras" at the top left-hand side of the navigation bar.

[B] Camera List

In the left-hand column, you will see a list of all the cameras connected to Cammy. These are arranged firstly by "Location" and then by "Camera set".

[C] Timeline

The timeline is how you navigate through your camera's recorded footage. The timeline boasts a unique person detection timeline that spikes when a person is detected making reviewing footage simple and time effective.

[D] Video Cells

Here you can see the footage reflected by which cameras are toggled in your camera list. You can drag and drop the viewing tiles to an order that suits your needs.

Camera List

[A] Camera Location

This is relevant if you are running Cammy in more than one location. Depending on whether your camera is based on the same local connection as the machine you are viewing the desktop app on or a separate remote location, each camera will appear either under "Local" or "Remote".

[B] Reset Cameras

Selecting 'Reset', will reset all the toggles associated with your cameras back to "off" meaning the footage for the cameras will not be displayed in the Video Cells.

[C] Camera Name

The name of each camera depends on what you had named the camera upon set up. When hovering the mouse over a specific video cell, the camera name will also appear at the top of that specific cell so you can decipher which video cell reflects each camera.

[D] Live View and Playback Toggles

For each camera, you can determine whether you are viewing the camera Live or playing back recorded footage by toggling the option you desire. Depending on which Viewing layout you have selected, you can watch the live feed and playback from several different cameras simultaneously.

[E] Camera Set

Organizing your cameras into "Camera Sets" is a way to group your cameras depending on different factors such as alarm requirements or location.

πŸ”— See more about "Camera Sets".

[F] Camera Status

The camera status light indicates if the camera is online and working (green 🟒), online with some issues (amber 🟑), or offline (red πŸ”΄).

[G] Scroll Bar

If you are running a large number of cameras that do not fit on the initial Camera list screen, you can scroll up and down the Camera list using the scroll bar or your mouse wheel.

Timeline Overview

[A] Timeline

The timeline shows a history of cameras in playback mode.

[B] Time Indicators

The time indicators represent the time of recording.

[C] Camera Row

Each row displays the playback cycle of a Camera

[D] No recordings

If there are no recordings to show for all or a particular camera, a shaded background with no detection line will appear.

[E] Person Detection/Book Marker

If a person that you have identified within identity management is detected, you will see a marker such as this.

[F] Person of Interest Marker

If a person of interest is identified, a marker with no head will appear on the timeline. This marker differs from the Person detection marker that will display with a head.

[G] Playhead

The Playhead represents which point in the timeline is being reflected in the video cells. You can drag this back and forth to skip through footage.

[H] Zoom In/Zoom Out

Zoom in and out of the timeline to get a closer look at markers and scale the timeline to suit your needs.

[I] Highlighted Row

When hovering your cursor over a certain video cell, the corresponding camera timeline will automatically highlight

Timeline Controls

[A] Camera Navigation

Select up/down to see more cameras. This can be done by scrolling your mouse wheel on the left-hand side of the camera name area.

[B] Scroll Bar

Scroll through the camera history using the scroll bar. Alternatively, move left and right through the camera history with your mouse wheel while on the right-hand side f the timeline area.

[C] Date/Time Navigation

Select a date and time to jump to in the timeline. You are also able to use the controls to move between the next and previous days simultaneously.

[D] Playback Controls

The media playback controls allow you to Stop, Play and Pause footage, as well as Fast Forward, Rewind, and Skip back and forth 10 seconds.

[E] Point of Interest

Jump back or forward to points of interest in the timeline. Use the filter feature to jump between points of interest for individual cameras.

[F] Export Video

Select a date and time range to export video from the cameras displayed in your timeline. Once exported, the videos are saved to the default Videos folder on your Windows machine (C:/Users/PC_USERNAME/Videos).

Video Layout

Within the Console tab, you can view all your cameras simultaneously and from different locations. There are several different ways to view and arrange the footage from your cameras.

[A] Video Viewing Area

This is where you can view the footage from your cameras. Drag and drop these tiles to arrange them in an order that suits your monitoring needs.

[B] Layout Options

Click the grid icon to expand Layout Options where you can choose and set custom layouts for viewing your cameras.

Layout Options

[A] Custom Layout

To choose a custom layout for viewing your camera footage, toggle "Custom Layout" to green.

[B] Timeline Display

Expand the viewing area by toggling the timeline display to grey, or back to green to show the Timeline.

[C] Camera List

As with the timeline, you can hide the Camera List by toggling the Camera List grey. To show the Camera List again, toggle it back to green.

Both the Timeline and Camera List are set to show as default.

[D] Fill Tiles

Change between letterbox and 'filled' tiles. If the 'Fill tiles' toggle is green, each video cell will be zoomed in until the cells are filled with the camera view. By toggling 'Fill tiles' off, each cell will zoom out to fit the whole camera view. This may mean that you will see some blank space at the top and bottom of each video cell.

[E] Load and Save Layout

Once you have made your selections for a "Custom layout", click Load Layout to see the changes reflected in the video layout. If you then wish to save the layout as your default layout, click "Save". You can amend your custom layout at any point.

[F] Full-Screen View

Enter into full-screen mode for viewing your camera footage by clicking the double-ended arrow icon.

Video Cell Controls

[A] Camera Name

When a specific video cell is highlighted the camera name will appear at the top of the video cell in a black title bar.

[B] Close Video Cell

Click the cross on the video cell's top right-hand side to close the view. Doing this will simultaneously toggle the corresponding camera view off within the camera list.

[C] Pin Title

Pin the title bar to the video cell, meaning it will remain in view even when you are not highlighting that specific video cell.

[D] Camera status

The camera status indicates if the camera view is live or not.

[E] Pan, Tilt, and Zoom Controls

By hovering over a video cell, the PTZ controls will appear. PTZ controls allow you to zoom in and out, and pan the camera direction up, down, left, and right.

Please Note: PTZ controls will only appear if the camera you are using is compatible with this feature.

[F] Zoom Controls

Use the + and - signs to zoom in and out on your camera.

[G] Return Home

By selecting the return home setting, the current zoom position will return to its original pre-set.

[H] Camera Pre-sets

Where available, you can choose a pre-set for your camera. This is your camera's default home position. Within Pre-sets, you can manage your pre-sets by setting new Pre-sets and deleting old ones.

[I] Bookmark

To instantly Bookmark a specific piece of footage, click the "Bookmark" icon. From here you select a bookmark category, enter a bookmark description and choose to keep the bookmark forever straight from the video cell.

Instant Bookmarks

Create instant Bookmarks straight from individual video cells using the bookmark icon placed in the bottom right-hand corner of each camera.

[A] Event

Choose the "Bookmark Category"

[B] Description

Write a custom description of what has occurred in the footage for later reference.

[C] Keep Forever

Choose to keep the bookmark beyond your set storage threshold.

[D] Save

Click to "Save" the bookmark details.

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