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User guide for the Home tab

Ruby Watts avatar
Written by Ruby Watts
Updated over a week ago

Home Overview

In the "Home" tab you will find notifications for activity, access all your cameras, and be able to access devices/locks.

[A] Navigation Bar

Visible from all areas of Cammy Mobile, the navigation bar allows you to easily navigate around the Cammy Mobile app.

[B] Home Tab

The Home icon brings you back to the Home tab from anywhere in the app.

[C] Notifications

See an overview of any unopened notifications at the top of the page.

[D] Camera Sets

If you have grouped your cameras into camera sets, you will see your cameras displayed in such groups with the camera set name displayed above the camera set cameras. To see all cameras in the set, you can swipe the camera carousel to the left with your finger.

[E] Camera Preview

Each camera has a preview tile that shows the latest snapshot. From here, you can access the Live feed and history for that specific camera.

[F] Access Control

Access control area without devices set up.

[G] Access Control

Access control area with devices set up.

[H] Help and Support

Access our Support Hub and contact us straight from the home tab.

[I] Live View

Access a full-screen live view of your cameras in a convenient and customisable grid view, straight from the home tab.


At the top of the Home tab, you will see an overview of any unopened notifications you may have.

[A] Number of Unread Notifications

See the number of your unopened notifications at the top of the notifications area.

[B] See All

Click "See All" to see all your recent notifications. This will direct you to the events page, where you will see a filtered event view of recent notifications.

[C] Event Notification

Each event notification is displayed on a row with a snapshot preview where available. Select an event to see more information in a preview card.

[D] Notification Indicator

When you have unopened notifications, a green dot will appear next to the Events icon in the navigation bar.

Camera Sets

If you have grouped your cameras into camera sets, you will see your cameras displayed in such groups.

[A] Camera Set Name

The name of your camera set is displayed just above the cameras in the set.

[B] Camera Carousel

The cameras within the cameras set are displayed in carousel form. You can swipe your finger across your device screen to reveal the rest of the cameras attached to the set.

Camera Preview

Each camera will have a preview on the home tab for you to quickly access Live View and Events.

[A] Camera Name and Status

The name of the camera you are viewing. The icon displayed to the left of the camera name indicates the camera's status. If the icon is green, the camera is currently online. If the icon is red, the camera is currently offline.

[B] Latest Snapshot

Each camera preview will display the latest snapshot taken from that camera. Tapping the latest snapshot will take you to the history view for that camera.

[C] Timestamp

The timestamp shows when the latest snapshot from that camera was taken.

[D] Live Stream

You can access a live stream from your camera straight from the home screen, by tapping "Live Stream".

[E] History

To see your camera's recent event history, tap "History" on the camera preview.

Camera Live View

By tapping the live view button on the camera preview, you will be taken to a live feed of your camera. This can be viewed both vertically and horizontally on your device.

[A] Portrait Live View

As a default, when first tapping into your camera live feed you will see the live view in a portrait frame.

[B] Landscape Live View

To view the camera in full-screen landscape mode, simply turn your device horizontally.

πŸ’‘ In order for this to work, you will need to ensure that the "Portrait Orientation" lock on your mobile device is turned off.

[C] Camera Name

The name of the camera you are viewing live will be displayed in the top left-hand corner of the feed.

[D] Camera Status

Similarly to the Camera page, the camera status is displayed as a small light in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

[E] Pinch and Zoom

To zoom in on the live feed of your camera, simply use your fingers to pinch the screen.

[F] Exit Live View

To exit the live feed and return to home, tap the X in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Camera History View

Tapping the "History" button on the camera preview will take you to the history of your camera. This is similar to your Console timeline, meaning you can easily review and export recorded footage from your camera.

[A] Current snapshot

The snapshot viewed here represents the current playhead's position in the timeline. As the playhead moves up and down the timeline, the snapshot will change in accordance.

[B] Camera Status

The camera status is displayed as an icon on the left-hand side of the camera information.

[C] Camera Information

The camera information consists of the camera name and a timestamp for the snapshot shown above.

[D] Date/Date

The timeline shows a day at a time. The current day and date is displayed at the top of the timeline. You can select to change the date or tap the arrows to back or forwrard a day at a time.

[E] Close

To close the camera history and return home, tap the close icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

[F] Download

If you wish to download the footage you are viewing, you can do so by tapping the download icon. Upon tapping download, you will be asked if you wish to download the current snapshot or, a 60-second video.

πŸ’‘ Any downloaded videos/photos will automatically be saved to the media gallery on your device for you to review at a later stage.

[G] Watch

By tapping "Watch" you will be asked if you wish to watch the cameras live feed or, watch the cameras recorded footage from the point showing in the current snapshot.

[H] Event Detection Marker

If there has been a detection from your camera, it will be highlighted on the left-hand scroll bar in pink, and the associated thumbnail on the timeline. To view these detections as a snapshot, tap the thumbnail.

[I] Playhead Marker

The green Playhead marker indicates the current time within the timeline of the snapshot showing at the top of the screen.

[J] Next and Previous

Jump between events in the timeline by tapping the next and previous buttons.

Access Control

We've added access control devices to the home screen to easily manually unlock devices.

[A] Scan QR Code

You can select to enable the camera to scan a Cammy QR code to access a device.

[B] No Devices – Learn More

If you do not have any devices added to your account, you can select this link to learn more about access control.

[C] Open Device

Where you have devices set up, you can select a device to manually open it directly from the home page.

Help and Support

Help and Support is easily accessible from the home tab, with easy navigation to our Support Hub and Live Chat.

[A] Support Hub

You can access our support hub which contains a number of extensive user guides, straight from Cammy Mobile by tapping "Support Hub" at the bottom of the Home page.

[B] Contact Us

To open a case with us, click "Contact Us" on the Home tab. This will take you to our live chat feature where you can send us a message with your query. One of our customer service representatives will get back to you shortly.

[C] Live Chat

To speak with a customer service representative via our live chat service, tap the chat icon that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of your device screen. The chat icon is visible from all tabs Cammy Mobile.

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