Activating cases in Case Status creates the starting point for a client's journey with your firm, whether the case is brand new, or it has already progressed through some portion of its life cycle. Before a case is activated no communication will flow to the client, so they remain unaware of the work your team is doing on their behalf!
Step by step process for activating a single case:
Login to Case Status
Filter to "Onboarding Cases"
Click into the Case you want to activate
Click "Send welcome message" button to craft an invitation message
Modify your default Invitation message as desired
Click "Schedule" to specify a future date/time to send the message, or simply click "Send" to deliver the message immediately
Filtering to Onboarding Cases
Activating a single Case
Crafting an Invitation message
Step by step process for activating cases in bulk:
Login to Case Status
Filter to "Onboarding Cases"
Click into the Cases you want to activate
Click the "Bulk Actions" button, then click "Send a Message"
Click the "Add Invite Message" to add your Invitation message template
Modify your default Invitation message as desired
Click "Schedule" to specify a future date/time to send the message, or simply click "Send" to deliver the message immediately
Selecting multiple Cases to Activate
Selecting the "Send a Message" Bulk Action