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Navigate and manage posts in your Content Library
Navigate and manage posts in your Content Library

Find the content you are looking for and work with your approved posts

Totte Jönsson avatar
Written by Totte Jönsson
Updated over a week ago

Cevoid's Content library consists of two parts
Library > Inbox
Where you review and manage the content you have received
Library > Approved posts

Where you can find all your approved content

This tutorial covers Library > Approved posts. Please read this tutorial to learn how to manage posts you have received but not approved yet.

Approved posts are available for Showcase sections, including UGC widgets.


Filters in your Library allow you to narrow it down to find the posts you seek.

Start by Clicking Filter and adding your first filter, then click Filter again if you want to add additional filters.

You can also search for specific members in the upper right corner.

Remove a post

If you want to remove a post from your UGC widgets and Library, you can change its status to removed. This will move to posts to Library > Removed posts for 30 days. The post will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

  1. Open the post

  2. Click the arrow Next to Approved

  3. Select Removed

  4. Done

This action is also available as a bulk action

Move a post to your Inbox

If you want to remove a post from your UGC widgets temporarily, you can move a post to your Inbox by changing its status to Pending

  1. Open the post

  2. Click the arrow Next to Approved

  3. Select Pending

  4. Done

This action is also available as a bulk action

Add product tags and hotspots to approved posts

Adding product tags to posts will add shoppable product tags to the post in your UGC widgets and make them available in the Product page gallery.

  1. Open the post

  2. Click Add product

  3. Search and select the products you want to tag

  4. Click Add product

  5. Optional for Images: Add and place a hotspot

  6. Done

Add labels to approved posts

With Labels, you can organize your content freely. Labels helps you categorize content, can be used as content source to UGC galleries, and as filters in your UGC galleries.

  1. Open the post

  2. Click Add label

  3. Search for you label

    1. If it already exists, click it

    2. If it doesn't exists, click create label

  4. Repeat step 2 until you have added the labels you want to use for this post

  5. Done

This action is also available as a bulk action

You can edit your existing labels under Settings > Labels

Add a comment to an approved post

Your brand can add a comment for each post which will be showcased next to the caption in the UGC widgets. These comments are a create opportunity to show appreciation (e.g. "We love this Image Erik!) or to add some additional image (e.g. Erik is wearing size Medium).

  1. Open the post

  2. Add your comment in the comments field

  3. Click Save

Hide caption from a post

You have the option to hide captions from specific posts, this is a recommended action if the caption includes e.g. a discount code.

  1. Open the post

  2. Click the eye icon, next to the caption

  3. Done

Assign a post to a member

If you have uploaded content directly into your library you might want to assign it to a member to give credit to the correct member. This action will change what name is shown next to the post in the UGC widgets.

  1. Open the post

  2. Click the arrow next to the current name

  3. Search for the member you want to assign the post to

  4. Select the member

  5. done

This action is also available as a bulk action

Set thumbnail for videos

The thumbnail is by default set to the first frame of the video, however you can select a new thumbnail for all videos.

1. Open the post

2. Paus the video

3. Select the time frame you want to use in the playbar

4. Click Set thumbnail

Your new thumbnail will be updated within a few seconds.
You can preview the current thumbnail by hovering on the Set thumbnail button.

Download content

You can at any time download content if you want to use a content piece outside of Cevoid.

If the member withdraws their consent for you to use the post you have downloaded, you will receive a email with information on when you downloaded post.

  1. Open the post

  2. Click the Download icon

  3. Done

This action is also available as a bulk action

Bulk actions

Bulk actions allows you to save time when you want to make the same actions on several posts.

  1. Tick the blank tick-box in the upper left corner the first post

  2. Click the rest of the posts you want to apply a bulk action to

  3. Select the desired action from the drop-down

  4. Click Apply action

Currently, the following actions are available as bulk actions:

  • Add a label

  • Remove a label

  • Changing post status (to Approved, Pending, or Removed)

  • Assign post to member

  • Copying content to another Cevoid workspace (if you’ve got more than one)

  • Scheduling your post

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