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Step 3 - Create Documents
Written by Support Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Using documents in your gym can be very versatile.

Most common use is signing waivers and membership agreements.

But you can also use them for getting members to acknowledge information you need to get out to them that they need to read and understand!

In a case like hosting an event, you can create a SOP document for day-of event procedures. You can include things like day-of parking, description of heat schedules, acknowledgment of event liability, etc. If you make all of your sections into separate blocks, you can have them initial each section for acknowledgement.

Assigning this document can be done several ways:

1) If you're looking for members and/or non-members to sign, you can assign it to the event membership you created.

2) If you're looking for current members to sign, you can click "assign" and "add to all not yet assigned" - meaning all current members will be flagged to sign the document. This is if your entire membership base is attending the event.

3) You can go through that same procedure and "2)" and assign it to specific people - this would be if you already have a head count and know who's coming to the event. OR don't want to assign it to your whole gym.

4) You can also attach it to your current memberships if it's a free event for your members and by them having a membership grants them access to the event (i.e. - in-house party)

I would NOT "assign to all new members" when creating the document. This will have anyone NEW coming into your CHIP system sign the document. You want it to be event specific and not have any people who aren't attending (or don't event know what the event is) signing something related to the event.

If you need to create a new Document and people have already signed up for the event and need to sign the document, you can assign the document to the membership and it will require everyone who already has that membership to sign the document.

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