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Guide to the Donations Tab
CustomerSuccess Team avatar
Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

The Donations tab serves two main purposes:

  • Its Overview sub-tab is a central reporting hub to track all the donations that volunteers have made to an organization

  • Its Campaigns sub-tab hosts information about an organization's donation campaigns

The Overview Sub-tab

Within the Overview sub-tab, a composite analysis

of your organization's donations are displayed. The key data points are number of donors, total collected, number of recurring donations, total recurring donations, and the average donation amount.

The Overview sub-tab also contains a record of a volunteers donations including:

  • the date of the donation

  • the type of donation (one time vs. recurring)

  • the first and last name of the champion who donated to the organization

  • the volunteers email

  • the volunteers mobile AND/OR home phone number

  • donation amount (dollar amount)

  • fees taken (dollar amount)*

  • net donation (dollar amount)

  • status of donation

*Please note: Civic Champs does not charge any fees on donations made through our platform. The fee column represents credit card fees that differ based on the payment processor.

The Campaigns Sub-tab

The Campaigns Sub-tab allows organizations to create and manage the campaigns used to ask volunteers for a donation. Its main page is a dashboard of all active campaigns. It displays the name of the campaign, the start date, end date, dollar amount of donations, and campaign status. It looks like so:

At the top of the Campaign Sub-Tab page is the following data:

  • number of active campaigns

  • amount of active donations

  • total number of active campaigns

  • total amount of donations

  • average campaign donation

Clicking on the name of a campaign will take you to a page with the campaign summary. On this page you can see the following information about the campaign:

  • campaign type

  • start date

  • end date

  • affiliated events

  • target

  • campaign settings

  • frequency

  • prompts

  • campaign status

You can also see the following about any campaign donations: number of donors, total amount of donations, largest donation amount, average donation, and conversions.

Once a donation is made, a record will appear displaying information about an individual donation. The information displayed is the date of the donation, who the donor is, the amount of the donation, the processing fee, net donation amount, and status of the donation.

Viewing the Transaction

If you would like see details for a donation transaction, you can click on the "View Transaction" button. This will show you information about the donor, the payment, and the option to refund the donation if needed.

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