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Build an Onboarding Process in Groups
Build an Onboarding Process in Groups
CustomerSuccess Team avatar
Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

Follow along with the video above to learn about how to add, remove, & edit Requirements in the group.

There may be cases where you would all incoming members of a group to answer specific questions or sign specific waivers. The Groups tab allows admins to do this.

To add requirements to a group, go to the Groups tab and click on the name of the group to which you want to do so. This will take you to the group's page.

On the group's page, you will need to click to the Onboarding sub-tab. From here, you need to select the Add button next to Requirements.

Select what type of requirement you want to add from the dropdown list. In this first case, I have selected a Questionnaire.

A dropdown list will then appear. You can either choose from one of your saved questionnaires, or you can create a new one for the group. In this example, I have chosen a pre-made "Volunteer Application" questionnaire.

You can also opt to make the questionnaire optional or required for volunteers. If you want to make it optional, check off the Optional box. If you want to make it required, keep the box unchecked. In the case that you decide you no longer want to add a questionnaire, you can also select Remove to remove it from your requirements.

After finishing this requirement, you can either select Save or continue adding requirements. You can add as many requirements to a group as you would like.

In this example, I have added another requirement: a waiver.

Like the questionnaire, a dropdown list will appear. You can either select a saved waiver or create a new one. Here, I have used the saved one, "Pantry Photo Release."

Unlike questionnaires, waivers cannot be made optional.

At this step, you may also select Remove if you decide against adding a waiver. I decided to keep my waiver.

Once you have completed adding all of your desired requirements, select the blue Save button to finalize your changes.

Your saved requirements screen should look similar to the one below. From this screen, you can edit your chosen waivers or questionnaires by selecting the Edit button next to them, you can remove them by selecting Remove, and you can make the questionnaire optional by checking the Optional box. You can also continue to add requirements by repeating the process with the Add button.


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