You can choose to receive email updates from ClassCover including booking requests, job alerts for roles on ClassCover Jobs, and reminders to update your availability. You can easily manage your email preferences from the settings menu at any time, opt out of some or all emails, and even change the frequency which we send emails. Customising your email settings ensures you only get the notifications that are most useful to you.
How to Update Email Notification Settings
We recommend updating your email preferences from ClassCover on your computer, as it offers more customisation options. Here’s how to update your email notification settings:
Log into ClassCover via your computer or the mobile app.
Once logged in, navigate to Settings.
Look for Notification settings: Here, you can toggle different email notifications on or off. You have the option to change your notification preferences for:
ClassCover Jobs Job alerts
Booking reminders
Reminders to update your availability
After making your selections, click Save Changes to confirm your preferences.
Important Reminder
To ensure you don’t miss important emails, regularly check your junk and spam folders. Occasionally, emails from ClassCover may be filtered into these folders by mistake. Mark ClassCover emails as "Not Spam" to ensure they reach your inbox.
By customising your email notification settings and checking your spam folder regularly, you can stay up-to-date with ClassCover without missing any critical messages or opportunities for work.