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How to Upload and Manage Contact Records for Staff and other Stakeholders
How to Upload and Manage Contact Records for Staff and other Stakeholders

Learn how to use the Contacts Template to import/export your employee contact data in ACM.

Kristi Aruja avatar
Written by Kristi Aruja
Updated over a week ago

Note: If you have opted for Automated Contact Management (Flexdata) through integration with your HR platform, the Import/Export function will be disabled for your account. Please contact for more information.

In order to get started with the Staff Add-on, you'll need to begin by uploading your contacts into Automated Care Messaging (ACM). Here's a short video detailing the process, but of course the steps are also outlined below!

Who has access to the Import/Export Contact function?

By default, Organization Administrators will have the permissions required to manage contacts at the organization or facility level (for all facilities). Facility Administrators will have access to manage contacts for facilities to which they have been given access to in the ACM app.

What is the difference between managing contacts at the Organization vs. the Facility level?

If you operate more than one facility in your organization, there are two approaches to how you might want to manage your contact lists in ACM:

  • Organization Contact Management: with this approach, the contact information for all employees from all facilities resides in a single contact list (spreadsheet) which is managed and updated centrally.

  • Facility Contact Management: in this scenario, each facility would have a designated contact responsible for uploading (and updating) their own contact lists.

Choosing to go one route or another depends on your situation and how your organization operates. There are pros and cons to both, but the great news is that you can easily change approaches if need be! Our system is flexible enough to handle both.

When uploading contacts to the ACM application you can switch from the Organizational context to a Facility context as shown here.

Note: if you are managing contacts at the Organization level and upload contacts for a facility at the Facility level, the system will ignore contacts/data related to that given facility in the Organization Contact List.

Detailed Step-by-Step Process

Your contacts and their related data (contact information, custom fields, communication preference), can be updated as often as required by updating and uploading the provided template (Excel file) directly into the ACM application.

  1. Download the Contacts Template

  2. Using Excel, modify your data to match the Contacts Template

  3. Upload your updated Contacts Template to the application

To get started:

  • Navigate to the Main Menu ☰>Staff Add-on > Import/Export Contacts

1. Download the Contacts Template

To download the template click the TEMPLATE button

The Contacts Template will be downloaded to your computer and can likely be found in your Downloads folder or wherever you chose to save it. Search for "staffcontacts_template" on your computer.

2. Modify your data to match the Contacts Template

The next step is to modify your data so that it matches the format expected by the ACM Staff Add-on application. You can do so by:

  • Copying your data into the template: open the Contacts Template as well as your original data source and copy the information from one file into the other. We recommend you do so one column at a time. It is important that you do not modify the column header names in the template in order for the system to function properly.

  • or, Modifying column headers in your existing spreadsheet to match the Contacts Template header: If you already have an existing file that contains employee contact data it may be easier to rename the column headers of your existing file. This approach will be much faster and easier to manage if you are exporting employee lists out of another software on a regular basis.

Note that the order of the columns does not matter. The only important factor is that the column headers match the headers in the provided Contacts Template.

When opening the template it will look like this:

Start copying or adding your staff contact records manually as shown here:

Template Fields

  1. Unique Employee ID

  2. First Name*

  3. Last Name*

  4. Home Phone* or

  5. Cellphone* or

  6. Email*

  7. Facility ID* - Numeric

  8. Preferred Contact Method - see PR code list

  9. Department

  10. Position

  11. Shift

  12. Custom 1 [Custom 1]

  13. Custom 2 [Custom 2]

  14. Custom 3 [Custom 3]

  15. Custom 4 [Custom 4]

  16. Custom 5 [Custom 5]

  17. Custom 6 [Custom 6]

The minimum required fields to be uploaded include (*)

  • Facility ID this is a numeric value (as configured in PointClickCare)

  • One of Home Phone, Cell Phone or Email
    If more than one contact method is entered, the preferred contact method will determine which contact is used.

  • One of Unique Employee ID, First Name or Last Name

Facility ID

As described above the Facility ID is a required field and is a number. Because we require this, we’ve added an easy way for you to find your facility's PointClickCare ID right in ACM. With “organizational” selected in the context selector (bottom left-hand corner), click on the FACILITIES button. This will display the facility name and respective ID.

NOTE: If a staff member works at multiple facilities, input each Facility ID in the Facility ID column separated by a comma (eg. 18, 44, 7).

Setting Preferred Contact Methods

If an employee prefers to receive messages using a different contact method, you can use the following preference codes in the Preferred Contact Method column of the template to manage their preferences:

  • For voice: (PR:V)

  • For email: (PR:E)

  • For text (SMS) to their cell number: (PR:TC)

  • For do not contact (or unsubscribe): (PR:N)

  • To Force Voice call to cell number: (PR:VC)

If none of these codes are entered the default contact method is Voice

Using Custom Fields

There are 6 custom fields that can be modified and updated as often as required. These custom fields allow you to filter the contacts that you would like to target when sending a message. The description [in square brackets] is the Field Name as it will be displayed in the "To" section of the app when sending a message. You can and should only modify the text between the brackets as shown below. It is important that you do not modify the text in the column headers before the square brackets ("Custom 1", "Custom 2", etc.), as the system relies on these exact names to function.

If a Contacts Template contained the column headers shown above, you would see the following filters available to you when sending a message:

Once you're finished updating your data be sure to save the file! An additional best practice is to also save a copy in a secure location.

3. Uploading Your Contacts

The next step is to simply upload your new Template file into the application. To do so navigate back to the Import/Export Contacts page.

Click the button and locate your file, or drag and drop it directly on this window.

Make sure the number of contacts matches what you expected, and you're all set!

Note: Facility Administrators will only be able to upload and send for their authorized facility IDs. If they upload information related to other facility IDs, those records will be ignored.

Updating Your Contacts or Data in the Future

As you add and remove contacts or other stakeholders, you'll want to update your data. ACM allows you to download the most recent version of your contact list so that it can be modified as needed before re-uploading.

Before uploading your new contact list we always recommend downloading your existing list, just in case, as it will override any existing contacts and data when you upload a new list!

You can find out when the contacts were last updated, and by whom, by clicking on the information link that starts with "Updated" on the bottom right-hand side of this box.

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