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Adding an Upfront Membership

Do you want to collect a one-off upfront payment for your membership or class pass?

Updated over a year ago

You might want to set up an upfront membership for those members who are yet to really commit to your gym or to reward those members who prefer to pay in advance (usually they receive a discount for doing this).  An upfront membership allows you to nominate the upfront amount and set the duration of the membership.

To add a membership, go to Settings> Membership plans.

Then click the orange button +New plan to start creating your membership plan.

Below is an example of how you would set up a 1-year membership for Unlimited access which is paid in full upfront by the member.

Please read on for an explanation of each of the options on this form.

Membership name: Give your membership a descriptive name so that you will instantly know what that membership contains.  You will be applying these memberships to your members in the future, so save yourself time by being descriptive at this stage of your set-up. Keep in mind that you can also expose these membership options to your clients via the free hosted website, the mobile member portal, or online sign-up forms/waivers. As such the names should be meaningful and appropriate for the public too.

Membership Category: Categories help group your memberships when they are exposed through the free hosted website,  the mobile member portal or online sign-up forms.  They are totally customizable, so feel free to add your own and apply them as appropriate.  Note: Categories do not affect payments or access associated with a membership.

Plan Type: As this is an upfront membership, we have selected Single up-front payment as the option. Note we will review a recurring payment option in the next section of this guide.

Upfront cost: In this plan, we have chosen Single up-front payment as the option under Plan Type (above) so this is simply the amount you will be charging for this membership.

Class Access (Below is an explanation of each of the options)

Unlimited classes or a specific number of classes – In most cases, as this is a membership and not a class pass example, you will always select Unlimited classes. 

To use anytime – By selecting Unlimited classes above, this will be automatically be turned on.

Limit the Type/s of Classes/Appointments Members can attend – This is an advanced option that allows you to block members from checking in for certain types of classes. Please contact Clubworx at if you would like more information about this feature.  Most of our customers simply leave it unchecked.

Payment Receipts: Check this box if you want to email receipts of membership payments to your clients. These are sent to the member by email when the payment is marked as Paid (Either manually by you, or Automatically if you are linked up with one of our payment providers).

Expiration/End date: In this instance, we have set the end date for 1 year because the upfront payment relates to a one-year period.  If it was a 3-month membership we would change that to 3 months.  If your membership had no expiration period or time frame you would leave this field blank.

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