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Clubworx User Guide
Find out how to use Clubworx to streamline your gym or studio
194 articles
Getting Started with Clubworx
Sequences - Using the Send Prefilled Waiver option action to convert more leads and retain more members
Can you skip a step in Sequences? (Yes)
Setting Up a Booking Reminder Sequence
Introduction to using Sequences in Clubworx to Automate messaging to your contacts
What do Sequence Triggers Mean?
Sequences - Using the Prospect Status Changed trigger option to automate your sales process
Creating a Failed Payment Message Sequence in Clubworx
New Sequence Trigger - Membership Start Date
New Sequence Trigger - Attendance
How to Automate Group Fitness Challenges with Clubworx
Sequence Trigger: Prospect Added
Use Sequences to add a Membership
New Sequence Trigger - 'Single Booking Created'
How to set up a Sequence triggered by a Late Cancellation
The Sequence Enrolment Report
Manual Enrolment Sequences in Clubworx
New Sequence Trigger - 'Booking Cancelled'
How to Add Memberships in Bulk
Introduction to Memberships
How to add a make up class or session for a member
How to Bulk Cancel Memberships
Adding an Upfront Membership
Adding an Ongoing Membership
Upgrading / Downgrading Membership Plans
Adding a Class Pass Membership
Does your member need to attend a catch-up class?
How to use "Pay Now"
How can I manually add a membership to an existing member?
How to Bulk Suspend Memberships
Cancelling Memberships in Advance
Sending and Resending Receipts for Memberships
Adding Tax Rates to your Receipts
How Do I Suspend a Member and What Happens to their Payments?
How to Change a Membership recurring payment amount
Allow Members to override Default Membership start dates
Automation: Add a make up class
Using the Membership Import Tool
Unlimited Ongoing Memberships vs Class Passes
Automatically Generate Makeup Classes for Memberships with Ongoing Bookings
Managing Wallet Sharing on Waivers
Waiver Options: Memberships for Families
How to Transfer Members into Clubworx Using Waivers
Set up a new member waiver
Sign members up using a 'new member' waiver
How to Merge Waivers in Clubworx
What happens when I accept a waiver?
How can an existing contact sign a waiver?
How to Merge Waivers
How to use the date of birth calendar
How to Copy Waiver Questionnaire Answers to a Contact Profile
How to Bulk Send Pre-filled Waivers
Introducing Clubworx Integrated Automated Payments
My Members Payment Status is "Failed: Add Payment Denied - Only active customers can have payments added to their schedule" but they are active?
How Can I Skip a Payment?
How Can I Bulk Skip Payments?
Integrated Payment Processors - AU
Integrated Payment Processors - US
Reporting On Membership Payments
Integrated Payment Processors - Canada
Integrated Payment Processors - UK
Integrated Payment Processors - Global
Integrated Payment Processing with Clubworx
How to Create a Payment Authority Waiver
Understanding Your Auto-Payments
What does my member payment status mean?
How to automatically reschedule failed payments
Managing Failed Payments in Bulk
Connecting Clubworx with Stripe
Wallet sharing between members for automated payments
How do I refund a customer in Clubworx?
I don't have an autopayment provider, how do I process my payments for reporting?
How to Add and Apply Credit Vouchers
How to update a payment schedule for an existing member
New Look Debtors Report
How to Bulk Reschedule payments for a different date
4 Ways to take the Pain out of Failed Payments
Processing Refunds with Clubworx and Ezidebit
Income Categories
Managing Membership Payments in Clubworx Member Profiles
Failed Payments for Individual Members
How do I create an Event?
Let your prospects or members book and pay for classes or events online.
Adding a Waitlist to Your Event
How can prospects make a booking on my website calendar?
Book a friend on members membership
Booking members into events
Why didn’t my booking work?
How Can I Book My Student In After A Class is Over?
Appointment Types
How to quickly book clients into appointments
For Trainers - How to Book Members Into Personal Training Sessions
How can members make a booking on my website calendar?
How to Manage and Edit your Bookings Settings
Adding Contacts into a Class From Your Waitlist When the Class is Full
What is the difference between a member, prospect, and non-attending contact?
How to Bulk Import Contacts
How do I add custom fields to contact profiles?
How do I see my member’s attendance?
Why aren't my member attendances being deducted from their membership?
How do I convert non-attending contacts to members or prospects?
Adding Notes to a Contact
Contact Flags