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New Sale in Product Sales

It's time to ring up a sale through your Clubworx Point of Sale!

Updated over a week ago

Once you have added your products, you are ready to make your sales! There are two versions of the sales screens designed to quickly add products to a sale, or ring up a sale.  On the left-hand side is a live receipt of the sale and on the right-hand side is a list of your products.

To ring up a sale, please follow the steps below:

Under Product Sales in the POS tab:

Step 1: Click the add button beside the product you'd like to add to the sale.  You will see it appear in the right-hand of the screen.  If you want to increase or decrease the quantity being sold (say for example you want to ring up two drinks), click on the + button beside the current quantity in the right panel. (Note: You will be able to add discounts on the Checkout screen.)

Step 2: Once you have added at least one item, you will be able to link a contact to the sale. This is really useful for a number of reasons.  Firstly, the receipt will be emailed to them.  When it comes time for them to pay, if the member has a payment method stored in their wallet (on their profile) you will be given the option to “Add to Direct Debit”. This is like adding the sale to their account to be automatically drafted on a future date.  If they don’t have a payment method stored in their wallet, that’s not a problem, you will still have the option to either take cash or have them pay through your POS machine.

Step 3: Click the "Go to Checkout" option (see below for the walkthrough of the Checkout system).

Under Product Sales "Open POS Portal" button:

Step 1: Click the Open POS Portal button. This allows you to use a Point of Sale screen in cases where you may have a full time Point of Sale screen, or you simply don't want to show your members the inside of Clubworx. You will be able to search for products at the top of your screen, or filter by category as well.

Step 2: Click Add to cart under the item you wish to add. To update the quantity, choose the + button on the right panel of the screen. (Note: You will be able to add discounts on the Checkout screen.)

Step 3: Once you have added at least one item, you will be able to link a contact to the sale. This is really useful for a number of reasons. Firstly, the receipt will be emailed to them. When it comes time for them to pay, if the member has a payment method stored in their wallet (on their profile) you will be given the option to “Add to Direct Debit”. This is like adding the sale to their account to be automatically drafted on a future date. If they don’t have a payment method stored in their wallet, that’s not a problem, you will still have the option to either take cash or have them pay through your POS machine.

Step 4: Click the "Go to Checkout" option (see below for the walkthrough of the Checkout system).

Checkout Page:

The checkout page is the same for both screens. Here you can add or remove the linked contact to the sale (if applicable), update the item quantity as needed, and add a discount.

To add a discount: Click the Add discount button underneath the product. On the pop-up modal, under Specify Discount (per item) you can enter either a percentage by adding a percent symbol (ie: 10%) or a dollar amount by not including a symbol (EG: $2.50 would just be 2.50). Then you can include a reason for the discount.

Sending Receipts: You can select Do Not Send to send no receipt, or choose to send the receipt To Customer or if you'd like the receipt instead, select To me.

The sale date is the date you'd like the system to record the sale as being processed on. For example, if you made a sale the day before but did not put it through Product Sales, you can let the system know the sale was actually for yesterday.

Now you can mark the payment as paid:

(a) Cash – Use this option if the customer is handing over cash.  Enter the amount tendered.  For example, if they owe you $25 and they have given you $30, enter $30 into the amount tendered.  If the amount given to you is more than the sale amount, Clubworx will calculate the change for you.

(b) POS – If they are paying through a POS terminal, select the POS option.  Enter the amount into your machine and if the payment is successful, click the mark as paid option. PLEASE NOTE Clubworx does not integrate with POS, it simply works alongside your POS machine.

(c) Direct Debit – This option will only appear if the member selected has a payment method stored in their wallet on their profile.  By selecting this option, we will charge the account on files on the day you nominate. You will see a pop-up modal that lets you know the date of the contact's next payment (if they have one) so that you can bundle the payment together.

Other tips and tricks:

  • If the contact you are selling to is not in the Clubworx system as a prospect or member, you can simply add their email at the time of payment and a receipt will be sent to them.

  • You can void a sale by clicking the Void button on the first page of the sale (if you get to checkout, there is a <- arrow in the top-left of the screen to go back!).  If your customer does not have a way to pay, this clears the sales.

  • You can Park a sale which means you can continue it later.  For example, a client might need to get some money and rather than void the sale because you need to change screens, you can Park the sale and come back to it.

  • You can add discounts to individual line items within the sale by clicking on the item in the left-hand column. Discounts will be added as either a dollar amount or percentage.  In the top right corner, we have a calculation in orange showing you the impact of the discount.

  • To exit the Product Sale screen, click the Exit button on the top right corner.

  • You can see all historical sales, if you click on Product Sales in the main menu and select the Sales History tab.

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